♛Forty Four

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*yall I'll try to double update and get back into the swing of things as soon as possible!*

Run, or they'll catch you.

Despite the idiot Cadet I know, such picture of him doesn't pop into my mind. All I could imagine when Emma breathed out those words was of a man protecting his comrades. A man who is attempting to keep things he knows hidden.

It tighten my throat, a sudden shiver crawls up my spine. And that surprised me. Not once has that happened to me.

When I take a look at Emma even she seemed shocked by the memory. Her flush face was now pale and her lips were dry.

"I don't know why," she whispers. "He protected me but I feel—scared."

Her words sparked something inside me. How dare these lunatics ignite fear into Emma? She was a woman I knew who took things head on and despite being ordered to hold back countless times, not once has she gave in to fear. I became pissed, that expression doesn't suit her at all.

"Don't be scared," I assure tightly. I take a step to her and place a hand atop her clenched ones. She wasn't fazed by the action like I hoped. I clench my jaw and set my cool gaze upon her. "I got a feeling this is the serial killer we're looking for."

"That's exactly why," Emma states. Her eyes finally land on me and I can see the wariness in them as well as stress. "How do they know me? Why did they place a target on my back? And how come Edward didn't knock them out so we could take them into custody?? Why—why—"

She started to take in sharp, quick breaths. Her chest rising and falling at such a incredible speed. She was having a panic attack, I could practically imagine the gears in her head going haywire as she attempts to find a solution to these problems. I knew far too well how it drove her mad when she didn't have an answer.

"Oi, get a hold of yourself," I demand. I cup her face and force her to meet my gaze. Her breathing doesn't slow and even her eyes widen in panic. God, I hate how she looks right now. "I'll find answers," I tell her.

"How?!" She breathes. "How can you with little information?"

"Erwin," I reply. "I'll talk to him. It'll be the first thing I do tomorrow morning."

If I tell him everything Emma discovered as well as what happened to her surely, he'll allow her to work along side the Military Police to track down these killers. He just had to because of he doesn't, I'll force him.

"Promise?" I hear Emma murmur. Clearly, she had no strength to continue this conversation. Her eyelids were becoming heavy, I can sense the exhaustion in her voice.

I manage a feeble nod, "Obviously, brat."


I marched my ass to Erwin's office at first sunrise. I didn't care if the birds were barely chirping. I didn't care if I was too angry early in the morning. Nor did I give a shit if I barged into his office while he's still half-asleep.

Emma's distraught face never left my mind. All I could think about was how beaten up she was and how frightened. It was enough for me to stomp into my commander's office.

As I suspected, Erwin barely exited the connected bedroom to his office. He seemed surprised by my arrival.

"Isn't it quite early for you to be in my office?"

"I don't care," I snap. "Right now, you're going to tell me why the hell that serial is still running loose. It's been almost a fucking month now."

Risk [Levi Ackerman]✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα