Thirty Six

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We had parried back and forth, unable to land a permanent hit on one another. I would admit, the feeling was exhilarating. I was bouncing on my toes, my moves quick as a bunny.

I wasn't tired and was filled instead with unsustainable energy. And I was smiling during it all. It wasn't like those times in the past where we fought for mere dominance or out of hatred.

No, this was like a small quarrel amongst friends with no difficulties for each other in mind. I would throw a smile here or there and sometimes a teasing mock at Levi. His only reply was a playful eye roll or a quick jab.

I wasn't sure how long we sparred but I began to notice a few lingering stares. Some even stopped their own respective exercise to watch ours.

"Tired, brat?" Levi teases with a smirk. "You're breathing kinda hard there."

I scoff with a smile as we circle each other. "Not even close," I reply. I throw in a sidekick but he simply pushes it to the side and lands a round kick on me. Quickly I put up a sloppy block only causing his smirk to widen. "Just evening out my breathing because you're providing no such challenge for me."

"Is that so? Well, we don't want that now, do we?"

"No, we don't." Sending him a playful smirk only riled him up even more. He went at it with all his might as tired to take me to the ground.

I was suddenly putting out a defensive front and was blocking every move of his. After the five years I've seen him fight it always surprises me to see how much strength he still possess. His punches and kicks were still firm as ever. And despite the sweat gleaming over his forehead he doesn't even seem a bit tired.

"Throw a punch, Emma," he breathes as he makes his advances. "You're not getting anywhere if you keep protecting that pretty face of yours."

I suddenly misplace my footing. A curse loudly escapes me as I drop my guard. Levi took as a chance and attempts to use the takedown move I demonstrated earlier.

When his body collides with mine I quickly grab his arms and turn myself before falling to the ground. We land with a grunt and began to struggle once more. Trying to lock each other in a headlock only caused us to roll on the stone ground while muttering insults to one another.

I found myself laughing in the process as he tries to wrap his arms around my neck but fails miserably. He finally ends up atop of me and holds my arms firmly above me. He was straddling my hips with his body hunched over me.

We only stare at each other, our heavy breathing the only sound made. I was still smiling in spite myself. I couldn't say what was welling up inside because I couldn't understand it.

It was hot and it burned my skin. And it wasn't because I was sweating under my uniform. I could sense something being created, it was a feeling directed towards Levi.

It wasn't hate or any other ridiculous, immature, rivalry thing either. It was different and gave me the urge to keep our bodies locked like this and reimagine what he looked liked without a shirt. The mere thought brought immense satisfaction to my mind.

"I won. Again." Levi announces in a husky tone. A victorious smirk barely spreads across his lips.

I stare into his silver eyes and feel myself melt under them. I saw wildness coating those eyes and even sensed his urge to control that feeling. A part of me wished to tell him not to.

But instead, I release a small scoff allowing confusion to slightly takeover his face. "Are you sure, Captain?"

I push him up with my hips and quickly slide my right leg underneath his left and, flip him over. He had released his grip on my wrists and I place them firmly atop his chest. I now straddled him in victory. I smirk deviously down at him while he stares up at me speechless.

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