Seventy Seven

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<read the note at the bottom please!!>

There hasn't been a day that I've been alone. Levi stayed by my side from dusk till dawn was truly a feat Hanji couldn't seem to understand. Finding it both admirable and surprising she had begun to question if this was truly Levi by my side.

He had quickly placed up that cold, savage exterior whenever there was company in the hospital room. And when it was just us—well, he became quite the opposite man. Soft, sweet, and overly caring.

Placing me before anything else was something I still trying to get used to. I've never seen him act so—loving. But it was cute and my heart would swell each time I see that soft smile of his.

I wasn't sure how long I would be bed-ridden but slowly, I was getting antsy. I wanted to move around or at least walk from one side of the room to the other. But Hanji forbade it and Levi strongly agreeing with her.

"It's for your own good," Hanji had said the other day. "With the trouble you've been through—you deserve lots of rest."

I couldn't argue there. At least, not anymore. When Hanji decides something there's no changing her mind.

It was nice though, listening to her nag over my recovery while Levi would mock her when he saw fit. Everything felt normal—and even a little brighter. But there was still a shadow lurking over us like a dense fog.

And yet, none of us mentioned it. We never spoke of Edward's death or the justice for the families of his victims. We didn't talk about the news spiraling throughout the district of how Levi had ended Edward's killings—or saving me.

The hopeless Lieutenant who couldn't even fight for herself. It was best to ignore it all, it made us feel—normal. But that funny sense of normality and facade of everyday joy had swept away.

Ended when Erwin had marched into my hospital room with a serious expression. Now he stood beside my bedside while staring out the window. Levi nor Hanji where here at the moment.

Both still had to perform their duties as soldiers. A part of me wished one of them had stayed behind. I wasn't sure what Erwin wanted, I haven't seen or heard of him since the day him and Levi had that argument.

"Apologies for not seeing you sooner," Erwin finally says bringing me into a startle. Looking up I see how he wore his usual leather jacket and white buttoned-up shirt. His hair neatly combed and eyes bright with that strong drive of his. "There was many things to take care of after—the incident."

I noticed that even he was unwilling to mention that night. Nobody was, at least in front of me. And instead of anger I felt grateful for the respect he gave me. I was pardoned from revisiting a talk I wish not to have.

"It's quite alright," I smile as I gesture to chair beside me. "Did you come by to only say that or for a visit?"

Erwin finally looks at me—that light in his eyes brightening slightly. Without uttering a word he sits down. He scans me with such precision like a Commander inspecting their soldiers.

My body was still covered in bandages as my shoulder still aches from the dislocation I dealt with. It would be awhile till I completely healed but, I was in no rush.

"How're you feeling today, Lieutenant?" Erwin finally inquires with a small frown. "I've heard from Hanji that'll it be a while till your body fully heals."

I nod, "At least a couple of months. The wounds are pretty deep. But what can you do?"

He nods mutely before casting his gaze downwards. His mood was dampened—I could tell he was concerned. But I didn't want him to feel so. I was happy today, he should be too.

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