Sixty Two

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I sit alone in an office. I stare at the creme colored wall across me, ignoring the glimmering moonlight cascading from the window. Every thought I had troubled my mind.

Every emotion I felt flooded my heart. It all happened at once and I wasn't sure how to respond to all of it. A soft click came at the door, I glance to my side to see the knob twisting.

As the door is pushed open Levi strides in wearing a troubled frown and crinkled brows. My body automatically straightens, my concerns oddly leaving my system all so suddenly. My troubled gaze softening at the sight of him.

He had asked me to wait for him in his office after our meeting with Erwin. Seeing that I have a target on my back now, he thought it was safer for me to be in his office. I didn't have the heart to fight him on the subject, however.

My shoulders were overburden by the task that was laid upon me. Besides, I didn't want to fight with him. Not anymore.

"Are you all right?" The question flew out of me when Levi shuts the door behind him. He doesn't answer immediately—I didn't expect him to.

After all, seeing that exhausted expression taking over his face I knew he wasn't. He sits besides me letting out a tired sigh only indicating how difficult his talk with Erwin was. With his hand still covering his eyes I took the chance to study his appearance.

Unbutton shirt, slightly frazzled hair, and body slumped against the couch. He was exhausted, more than he could wish to admit.

"Erwin was being a pain my ass." Levi drags his hand down his face releasing a frustrated sigh. "I hate how he gets in that stupid mindset of his."

"You're acting like this isn't the first time," I tease while scooting closer. My knee accidentally brushed against his and I felt this strange shock overtake my body.

The sensation was electrifying, almost taking over my whole body. The blood in my veins starts to heat up, my pupils dilating at the sight of him. It was like he suddenly became the only thing I wanted this moment. And I was sure Levi felt that same heat.

"Well, this was different," he huffs.

"How so?" I watch him shake his head, his lips set to a fine line. Levi doesn't answer immediately, it only made me more concerned over his conversation with Erwin.

He had told me it only required them in the office, leaving Hanji and I to be pushed out. I got no more information than that. Now, seeing how Levi hesitated and his eyes fixated on the wall only stirred that unwavering concern inside me.

"He's not looking at everything in my perspective," Levi finally releases. "Or understand the risks being played now."

Instantly I knew Erwin and Levi discussed the facts of earlier's discussion. How draining it was to consider every risk and every possibility as to how and why consider as Edward as the killer. Just thinking about my task to confront him was exhausting enough.

The mere knowledge of how many hours Levi and Erwin talked only led me to feel sorry for him.

"At least you get the rest of the night off." I positioned myself atop his lap. My arms lazily wrapped around his neck.

I look down at him with a warm smile hoping to set him at ease. But Levi only stares up at me with something glinting in eyes that I couldn't understand.

"I still got work to do," he murmurs. His hands slowly make their way to the sides of my thighs. The firm yet gentle grip he had brought my heart to skip a beat. He leaves them there allowing his thumb to draw circles aimlessly atop my legs.

Risk [Levi Ackerman]✔️Where stories live. Discover now