Dare #24

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Winter: Imma' about to do another song. I was dared to sing Centuries by Fall Out Boy.

Qibli: Just when I thought you couldn't get anymore edgier.

Winter: There can't never be enough edge!

Turtle: Show us what you got, Winter.

Winter: OK--

Moonwatcher: Guys, are you in here?

Winter: Yes, what is it, Moon?

Moonwatcher: The Rain Kingdom is having a festival for Glory's hatching day, and Kinkajou and I need your help for preparations.

Winter: Why is it only now that Glory cares about when she was born?

Moonwatcher: Kinkajou convinced her, and now we're completely sidetracked! We have to get snacks, sitting areas, not to mention, getting the entertainment ready.

Qibli: Entertainment? Winter can fill in for that!

Winter: Huh?

Qibli: You can sing the song at the festival: helping Kinkajou, while also completing the dare.

Moonwatcher: That would be great!

Winter: Excuse me! I am not dragging myself to the moons forsaken forest, to entertain a bunch of tree rats!

Qibli: C'mon! It's for your friend. You don't have stage fright, do you?

Winter: N-no! I just find it unnecessary. And besides, don't you already have performers?

Qibli: Moon, who is your current entertainment?

Moonwatcher: ....Sloths with silly hats..

Winter: ...

Winter: *sigh* Fine.


*RainWings and NightWings are gathered in the rainforest, perched on trees, surrounding a large platform decorated by twinkling lights*

Glory: *groan*

Kinkajou: Don't worry, Your Majesty, this will be fun.

Glory: I appreciate all your hard work, Kinkajou, but I'm just not the partying type of girl.

Kinkajou: Just wait until you hear Winter sing! He'll hype up the crowd in no time!

Kinkajou: And if not, he'll suffer the consequences...

Glory: What?

Kinkajou: Nothing!


Qibli: OK, Winter! Get down there and sing.

Winter: Uh...actually, I need a rain check.

Qibli: Oh no, you do have stage fright!

Winter: No! I'm just not fond of being stared at by a million beady eyes.

Winter: Ask or Dare! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now