Dare #149

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Winter: Kinkajou! You're going get a coma!

*Kinkajou was currently stuffing her face with candy*

Kinkajou: I have to do it! It's for the dare we're doing.

Winter: What?

Qibli: Sorry about this, Winter.

Winter: What!?

*Qibli pushed both Winter and Kinkajou in a closet, and locked them in*

Winter: What the actual fuck! *pounds on the closet door, but it won't budge*

Kinkajou: WINTER!

Winter: What?

*Kinkajou jumped onto his face*

Winter: Fuck! What are you doing!?

Kinkajou: Winter! Winter! Winter!

Winter: What! What! What!

Kinkajou: Winter! I'm bored!

Winter: What the hell do you want me to do about it?

Kinkajou: Entertain me.

Winter: No.

Kinkajou: WHYYYYYYY!?

Winter: Because I'm busy! Now, get off! *shakes Kinkajou off him*

Kinkajou: ...Winter?

Winter: *sigh* What now?

Kinkajou: Are IceWings made of ice?

Winter: What are you--


Winter: Ah! That's my fucking tail!

Kinkajou: *gags* Definitely not made of ice. But so cold!

Winter: Listen, you bane of my existence. It's worse that I'm stuck in here, I don't need anymore of your--

*Kinkajou touches his snout*

Kinkajou: Boop!

Winter: ...

Winter: Imma' kill you.

Kinkajou: Uh oh.

Winter: Say your fucking prays! *lunges at her*

Kinkajou: *dodges* Miss me! Miss me!

Winter: *hits a wall* Goddammit!

Kinkajou: Hey! I have an idea! Let's talk about our interests!

Winter: Hell no--

Kinkajou: I like fruit! Sloths! Berries! Flying! Dancing! Singing! Adventure! Match making! Moonwatcher! Turtle! Ships! Shipping classmates! Shipping strangers! Shipping friends! Shipping--

Winter: Oh dear god! Stop!

Kinkajou: What's your interests, besides scavengers of course.

Winter: >:[

Kinkajou: C'mon! You can tell me!

Winter: Will it make you shut up?

Kinkajou: Maybe. So?

Winter: .........I knit sweaters.

Kinkajou: *gasp* No...

Winter: Yep.

Kinkajou: No, you can't.

Winter: Yes, I can.

Kinkajou: No, you can't!

Winter: Yes, I can knit a fucking good sweater.

Kinkajou: Wow, just when you thought you knew someone.

Winter: Yeah, now can you shut up?

Kinkajou: Bitch, you thought!

Winter: *groan*

Kinkajou: Now, let me tell you the story of how I got stuck in a tree for 7 hours.

Winter: *GROAN!*


Qibli: OK, times up!

*Qibli opens closet, and Winter stepped out, while Kinkajou fell out onto the floor*

Qibli: Hey!

Winter: You're dead to me.

Qibli: I know. What happened to Kinkajou?

Winter: She fell into a sugar crash sometime earlier.

Qibli: Hmmm, never seen her so peaceful.

Winter: Yeah...

Winter: Let's bury her.

Qibli: Winter!

Winter: Kidding!

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