Dare #114

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Winter: Qibli...

Qibli: Yeah, Winter?

Winter: I..I have something important to tell you.

Qibli: What is it...?

Winter: ...

Winter: I'm pregnant.

Qibli: ...Haha! Nice try! Not falling for that again!

Winter: Dude, I'm serious! I'm like, really pregnant up in this joint.

Qibli: Ha! You can fool me all you want, but I'm not buying it.

Winter: I'm fucking serious! I have a egg growing in my body!

Qibli: Yeah right! It's gonna take a lot to convince me.


*Qibli and Winter are both in a doctor's office*

Doctor: I can assure you, that your wife is pregnant.

Qibli: WHAT!?

Winter: Ha! Suck it! I was right!

Qibli: How did this happen?

Doctor: You see, when a girl dragon and a boy dragon love each other very much--

Qibli: I know how it happened! But I can't believe it! Another dragonet? An Ice-Sand hybrid?

Doctor: Actually...two Ice-Sand hybrids.

Winter & Qibli: ...

Winter: Excuse me, what the fuck?

Doctor: I can tell your awaiting egg will be double the size, which means, you'll definitely be having twins. Congratulations!

Winter: *turns to Qibli* Witch, what have you done to my body?

Qibli: *faints*


Winter: Well, that was informative.

Qibli: Let's just relax for the whole day.

*They enter their place, only for dragons of the Jade Mountain to burst out from nowhere, with confetti*


Winter: Holy clusterfuck! 

Kinkajou: We heard the new! And decided to throw a baby shower! Your welcome!

Qibli: Wow, this is so nice.

Kinkajou: I'm glad you like it! Aww! Look at Winter, she's blushing!

Winter: *😡*

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