Dare #137

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*At the wedding ceremony, between Moorhen and Winter*

Winter: Listen, Your Majesty...I didn't think this would go this fucking far.

Moorhen: Your point being?

Winter: I'm already married.

Moorhen: Get a divorce.

Winter: I have kids.

Moorhen: We'll take custody.

Winter: I can see why you're not already married.

Moorhen: What was your first guess?

Turtle: OK, I'm still not getting paid, but I might as well finish this. I now pronounce you.


*everyone turned, and saw Spoony standing in front of the alter*

Winter: Spoony!? How are you alive?

Turtle: *slowly scoots away*

Spoony: Senior, I cannot stand idly by while the love my life is being stolen from me.

Winter: Spoony, you kinda knew things wouldn't work out between us...

Spoony: I know, but please...give me a second chance.

Winter: I don't know...

Spoony: I struck gold in the mines.

Winter: ...


*Winter runs to Spoony's side*

Spoony: Let us run into the sunset!

Winter: Yeah, but is your gold by the sunset?

*Both left*

Moorhen: ...Got chosen over a fucking spoon.

Qibli: I know how you feel.


Winter: Hey, Qibli.

Qibli: Winter? I thought you ran off with Spoony.

Winter: Yeah, he left me for a spork.

Winter: Asshole.

Qibli: You know what they say, cutlery will only break your heart.

Winter: Hey, at least I emptied his bank.

Qibli: You're a gold digger.

Winter: Good thing you're poor, it shows that I at least love you for your looks.

Qibli: Meanie.

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