Dare #167

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*Meanwhile, in the halls of the Academy*


Sunny: Hope, it's going to be--

Hope: It's not going to be OK! Peacemaker is all alone!

Turtle: *steps in* What's going on?

Sunny: Turtle! Peacemaker ran from home, have you seen him?

Turtle: Well, yeah--

Hope: You seen my baby? Where is he!?

Turtle: *nervous laughter* About that...


Sunny: Turtle, why are we in your room?

Turtle: Just wait a second...

*Turtle walked over to a large closet, before opening it. Immediately, Darkstalker fell out*

Darkstalker: ...

Darkstalker: Sup'

Sunny: Turtle, what did you do!?

Turtle: It's OK! He doesn't have his magic anymore, and I can turn him back to Peacemaker, right now*

*Turtle suddenly held up a enchanted grape*

Darkstalker: No way! I'm not going back to that form!

Hope: But, son--

Darkstalker: I'm not your son! Peacemaker is your son! All this time, you just want to change me, like I don't even matter! I'm sick of it!

Darkstalker: ...I know I'm not perfect...but it feels like you're replacing me as your son...It hurts.

Hope: Dark, you got it all wrong...

Hope: I'm not changing you, this is just a way for us to start over. In whatever form, you are still my son, and I love you.

Hope: And... I always knew your memories weren't completely erased.

Darkstalker: You knew?

Hope: I'm not a dumbass, hon.

Darkstalker: Oh. But, you could've put Pyrrhia at risk, why did you keep it a secret?

Hope: Because... a part me was relieved that you were still here.

*Tears streaked down Darkstalker's, and he quickly wiped them away*

Darkstalker: I want to start over...maybe, I'll turn out good.

Hope: *teary eyed* You already did.

Turtle: So, you don't want me to erase his memories?

Hope: That would be nice.

Turtle: OK, just don't ask me to be your slave again, Darkstalker.

Darkstalker: *nods*

*Darkstalker took the grape from Turtle's palm, and hesitated, before swallowing it whole. Instantly, Darkstalker was once again Peacemaker*

Peacemaker: Mommy!

*Peacemaker leaped into Hope's arms, and Hope embraced him lovingly*

Hope: Yes, it's me! I love you so much...

Sunny: Aww! What a happy ending.

Turtle: I know right?

Sunny: You're getting detention for hoarding a murderer in your room, by the way.

Turtle: Ah, fuck.

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