Dare #85

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Qibli: What's with all the yelling here?

Winter: Stay out of this!

Bakugou: Hey! Finish this, you overgrown gecko!

Winter: Fuck you, Pomeranian Head!

Qibli: Deku, what happened?

Deku: Kacchan just came in, and I thought it would be nice if he and Winter said hey to each other, considering they have a lot in common...

Bakugou: Come here, so I can flay the scales off your body!

Winter: Come at me, closet case!

Qibli: Oh no...this is a nuclear bomb level threat.

Deku: What do we do!?

Qibli: ...

Qibli: Run.

Deku: Huh--?

*Qibli grabbed Deku and ran out of the room, while carrying him*

Qibli: Save yourselves, everybody!

*Suddenly, Kinkajou walks in*

Kinkajou: Why is Qibli running and screaming down the hall?

Winter: We're in the middle of something.

Kinkajou: What's that-- *sees Bakugou* Squeal!

Bakugou: Who's this weirdo?

Winter: That's Kinkajou. Kinkajou, get out of here, we're trying to settle an argument.

Kinkajou: Why are you two fighting in the first place? You seem to have so much in common.

Winter: Hmmm... *turns to BakugouOK, let's try this, we both say the first thing that comes to mind.

Bakugou: Are you serious?

Winter: Well, we don't have any other option.

Kinkajou: OK, guys, in the count of three...One..Two..Three!

Winter & Bakugou: Fuck.

Winter: *gasp*

Bakugou: *gasp*

Winter & Bakugou: Bitchass.

Winter: ...

Bakugou: ...

Winter & Bakugou: Deku is a whore.

Bakugou: Well shit. We do have things common.

Winter: Seems so. I'm sorry this argument ever happened.

Bakugou: Me too.

Kinkajou: Now, that is done...

*Kinkajou sneaks behind Bakugou, and steals a strand of his hair*

Kinkajou: Bye! *leaves*

Bakugou: ...what the--

Winter: No, sir, let me finish that sentence.

Winter: --the everloving fuck!?

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