Dare #61

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*One morning, Winter suddenly walks in the main hall, groaning while clutching his stomach*

Qibli: Winter, what's wrong?

Winter: Oh, nothing...just something I ate.

Turtle: Maybe, we can help you.

Winter: No, it's just-- *hiccup*


*Another Winter appears out of nowhere*

Qibli: What the--!

Other Winter: Cool, I'm been born.

Turtle: How!? I destroyed the bowl!

Winter: About that-- *hiccup*


Winter: I-- *hiccup*


Winter: I ate the pieces! *hiccup! hiccup! hiccup!*




Qibli: What made you think that was a good idea?!

Winter: *shrugs*

Winter #2: Hey! Where are we?

Winter #3: Quit whining!

Winter #2: Shut up!

Winter: Both of you shut up!

Winter #4: You're not the boss of us!

Winter: I am literally your creator!

Winter #5: That's a load of bullshit!

Winter: Watch your fucking language!

Winter #6: Don't yell at your children!

Winter: *growls* These clones are annoying.

Moonwatcher: Now, you know how we feel.

Qibli: How are we going to fix this?

Turtle: I have a idea...but it's risky.

Kinkajou: We have to try something.

Turtle: OK... *reaches down, and picks up a pebble* I enchant this pebble to get rid of clones when they touch it.

Winter: How do we get them to touch it?

Turtle: That's easy *turns to the clones* Hey, Winters!

Winters: What!

Turtle: *rises pebble* This is a pebble, and you can't have it!

Winters: ...

Winter #2: Da fuck he just say?

*The Winters charged forward towards Turtle*

Turtle: *high pitched screaming*

*Turtle drops the pebble, and the Winters fight over it*

Qibli: Good, there'll be gone in no time...wait, where's the original Winter?


Qibli: Come on!

Winter: Ask or Dare! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now