Dare #96

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Qibli: Hey, kids!

*Armadillo, Dawn, and Vanilla glanced at him briefly, before turning their backs on him, and walking away*

Qibli: That was strange...


Winter: Dawn, you're awfully quiet today, is there something wrong?

Dawn: *scoff*

*Dawn walks away*

Winter: What the shit?

Much later

*Qibli and Winter watched from a distance, as the kids hanged out with the rest of Jade Winglet, barely facing them*

Winter: What's happening? Suddenly, we're not good for them? What the fuck is their problem?

Qibli: Winter, there's only one conclusion...

Winter: What is that?

Qibli: *tears up* Our babies don't love us anymore!

*He sobs and falls to the ground*

Winter: *picks him up* Hey, get a grip--

*Qibli slips out his talons*

Winter: *picks him up again* Now's not the time to get emotional, we need to fix this! What do kids like?

Qibli: Uh...kid things?

Winter: ....Sweetie, I know you're trying, but we something FUCKING SPECIFIC!

Qibli: Oh! Parties! They like parties!

Winter: No, Dawn likes parties. Armadillo will run away from the sight of bright colours and loud noises (which is a wonder why he still hangs out with Kinkajou). And, I don't think Vanilla has the ability to have festive fun.

Qibli: We just have to make a party customized for all three of them.

Winter: Hmmm. It's a stretch, but I think it will work. Let's get do it, then.


*the three are walking down the hall, heading towards their room*

Dawn: I feel bad for ignoring our dads.

Armadillo: But, we were dared to pretend to be mad at them.

Vanilla: Yeah, but don't you think this will cause them to lose their minds? They are very unstable.

Armadillo: Don't be silly, Vanilla. They'll just be slightly upset.

*finally, they made it to their room, but then confetti exploded into their faces from the entrance*

Qibli: Surprise!

Winter: We threw a party for you! Now, love us!

Vanilla: Told you.

Armadillo: Uh...Mr Winter, Mr Qibli, what's happening here?

Winter: We told you that already! It's a party!

Dawn: Yay!

Qibli: Not just any party! We have everything! Bouncy castles and sweets for Dawn! All you can eat scorpions for Armie. And....an empty box for Vanilla.

Vanilla: Best. Day. Ever.

Armadillo: *sigh* Is this because we been ignoring you? Listen, it was a dare, we weren't really mad at you.

Winter & Qibli: ....

Winter: So...we wasted all that money for nothing.

Qibli: Winter, calm down.

Dawn: Oh no, here it comes.

Vanilla: We awakened the beast. You doomed us all, Armie.

Armadillo: *trembles*

Winter: *grits teeth*

Winter: *sigh* I'm surprisingly not that mad. I mean, if I get mad for every dumb shit that the dares made me do, I would've never married Qibli or had you guys. For now, let's just enjoy the party.

Dawn: Really.

Winter: Yes. We even have a cake ready. I just need to find the carving knife.

*Winter turns around, only to see Vanilla holding the knife*

Winter: ......Uh, Vanilla, can you please put down that very sharp knife.

*Vanilla puts down knife*

Winter: Thank you.

*Vanilla picks up a bigger knife*

Winter: Why!?

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