Dare #73

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In the city of Possibility:

*Winter breaks in a building*


*The Moonwatcher Clone is currently taking notes*

Moon Clone: Yes, Winter?

Winter: I'm here to kill you!

Moon Clone: *puts down notes*

Moon Clone: Bring it on...asshat.

*Winter charges at her*

Winter: AHHHHH!

*But Moon Clone dodges*

Moon Clone: Should've not picked a fight with a mind reader!

*punches Winter in the face*

*Winter touches his torn lip, and saw blood on his claws*

Winter: She made me bleed......that bitch.

*Winter breathes frost at her, but she melted with fire. Winter then whipped his tail at her, scratching her cheek*

Moon Clone: Not bad, but did you expect this!

*Throws table at him, Winter didn't have time to dodge. It hits him directly in the head, and he collapsed. Moon Clone pinned him down, before he could recover*

Moon Clone: Give up?

Winter: *sighs* Yes...I'm sorry.

Moon Clone: It's OK... But you can make it up to me.

Winter: Really?

Moon Clone: Would like to discuss your plans for the future?

Winter: Fuck that!

*Winter shoves her off, and crashes through the door*

Moon Clone: I just bought that new door...

Winter: Ask or Dare! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now