Dare #125

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Kinkajou: Winter, who's that chick next to you?

Winter: Kinkajou, that chick is Qibli.

Kinkajou: WHAAA!?

Qibli: That's right! I had Turtle enchant my earring, now I'm a girl for the rest of the day.

Qibli: I have no idea how my fucking body works.

Winter: Now you feel my pain.

Qibli: Don't worry, I'll ask around some girl friends.

Kinkajou: That sounds like a bad idea--

Qibli: Wish me luck!


Qibli: I know this is a myth, but I'm just making sure, can I really get pregnant by swallowing a watermelon seed?

*Qibli is currently talking to Tamarin in the prey center*

Tamarin: I don't know who you are, but I can safely assume that you're mentally deranged. Please stay away from me *leaves*

Qibli: Well, thanks for all your help!

Qibli: Guess I should head back.

*Qibli walked off, only to not pay attention to where she was going, and accidentally bumped into Anemone, making her drop her fish*

Qibli: Sorry!

Anemone: You better be sorry!

Qibli: OK...

Anemone: That was a perfectly good fish, and you made me drop it on the dirty ass floor.

Qibli: Look, I'm sorry, just get another fish.

Anemone: You expect me of all dragons to eat any average fish?

Qibli: *sigh* Man, your mother spoiled you.

Everyone: *GASP!*

Qibli: ...

Qibli: What?

Anemone: I know, you didn't just disrespect my momma?

Qibli: I didn't disrespect your momma!

Ostrich: Girl, that bitch disrespected your momma!

Qibli: What is happening!?

Anemone: You know what I do to bitches who disrespect my mother?

Qibli: Uh, talk it out--

Anemone: I slap the shit out of them!

Qibli: *internal screaming*

*Kinkajou suddenly arrives, and notices Qibli*

Kinkajou: Oh man, you got yourself in a cat fight.

Qibli: What do I do!?

Kinkajou: Uh...accept your punishment and try to survive?

Flame: Hey RainWing, want to take bets? I'm betting on Anemone, but my moons, that SandWing is hot.

Kinkajou: That's Qibli.

Flame: Dammit! Why does this always happen to me!?

Qibli: Anemone, let's talk about this maturely--

*Anemone pounces at Qibli*

Anemone: *demonic hissing*

Qibli: AHHHHH!


Winter: Well, Qibli's male again, and--

Qibli: Girls are terrifying!

Winter: Yeah...

Qibli: And why do they always go for the eyes-- OW!

Turtle: Hold still! And let me patch up your scars.

Qibli: Your sister's a demon.

Turtle: ....true.

Winter: Ask or Dare! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now