Question #15

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Winter: If you were the members of the Furious Five, who would you be?

Winter: Obviously, I--

Kinkajou: Monkey! All the way!

Turtle: I'll be Crane.

Moonwatcher: I like Viper...

Winter: Hey! What did I say about interrupting me?

Kinkajou: Obviously, you'd make a great Tigress, Winter.

Winter: Duh, she's a badass, like me.

Turtle: You once got scared over a tarantula in your room, and Kinkajou had get it out.

Winter: Have you seen that fucker? It was like a rat with eight legs!

Qibli: Well, if you guys are finish, I guess that makes me Mantis. Hehe, the cool one.

Winter: And the one sensitive about his height.

Qibli: I am of average size, and I will destroy you!

Kinkajou: So, what about the last member?

Turtle: I don't think Po was technically a member, he was the dragon warrior.

Winter: Then, who's going to be our fatass?

Umber: *comes in* Guys! I just hunted a giant hog! It's huge! I would share with you, but I ate most of it...sorry.

Winter: ....yes, you will do nicely.

Umber: What?

Winter: Your training begins at dawn.

Umber: I--

Winter: Umber!

*grabs Umber's face*

Winter: *whispers* Don't run away from your destiny...

Umber: Winter, you're scaring me.

Winter: Ask or Dare! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now