Dare #35

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*Today, the students of JMA are in history class, and Webs is busy reciting the SandWing Succession to them*

Webs: So, you see here--

Winter: Quack!

Webs: What? Who is that?

*Winter quickly ducks behind the other students*

Webs: Hmm...as I was saying--

Winter: Quack! Quack!

Webs: OK, who's making that noise? Qibli?

Qibli: Why me?

Webs: Because the last time, you blasted a kazoo in the middle of a quiz!

Qibli: It was thinking music!

Webs: It was a nuisance!

Winter: Quack! Quack! Quack!

Webs: A month's detention to the one making that sound, unless they stop it right now!

*For a moment, the class was silent*

Winter: .....quack.

Webs: I'm out of here! *Stomps off*

Pike: Wait! What about our assignment?

Flame: Shhh! Shut the fuck up!

Qibli: Now that Webs left, what are we going to do now?

Kinkajou: Let's start a riot!

Qibli: Kinkajou, no.

Kinkajou: KINKAJOU, YES!


Tsunami: Webs? What are you doing out of class?

Webs: Oh, just going to go kill some ducks out of spite.

Clay: OK, that's concerning.

Webs: Don't worry about it. Also...

Clay: What?

Webs: I quit, bitches! *yeets himself off mountain*

Tsunami: Great, now our history teacher is gone! What are we going to do?

Sunny: I might know where we can find a replacement...

The next day:

Stonemover: In conclusion: that's why life sucks.

Winter: Amen.

Moonwatcher: Mr Stonemover, aren't you suppose to teach us about...history?

Stonemover: I am, I'm telling you the history of why life is a bitch.

Winter: Double amen.

Qibli: I think you landed us in hot water, Winter.

Winter: C'mon, Stonemover isn't that bad.

Stonemover: Time for a break! And what better why to spend it, by telling you all of the rocks I discovered through my centuries of living.

Winter: I changed my mind. COME BACK, MR WEBS!

Winter: Ask or Dare! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now