Dare #117

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Qibli: Hey, Winter!


Qibli: huh?

Winter: Stultus!

Qibli: Somebody help! Something's happening to Winter, that my brain can't function!

*Kinkajou and Turtle walk in*

Turtle: What's wrong?

Winter: Netjies verkeerde, Vis tone.

Turtle: Oh...boy.

Kinkajou: Why is Winter talking like that? I can't understand a word she's saying.

Winter: Baka!

Kinkajou: OK, I understood that.

Qibli: Winter, what's going on?

Winter: Watashi wa okotte imasu!

Kinkajou: Oh no...

Qibli: What did she say? And you understand Japanese?

Kinkajou: Of course I know Japanese! And she said--

Moonwatcher: Hey, guys.

Winter: Mond! Sei meine nasse mutter!

Moonwatcher: ....bye, guys *leaves*

Winter: Nutzlos! *storms off*

Qibli: Well....that happened.

Later that day:

*Qibli arrived at home*

Qibli: Hey, Winter--

*Qibli paused once he saw something in the middle of the room. Winter was coiled around a giant, pale blue egg, with gold specks*

Qibli: You were in labor!? Why didn't you tell me.

Winter: Duh! I did! Earlier.

Qibli: Wait, that gibberish made sense?

Winter: Will it kill you to learn your native languages?

Qibli: This is so amazing! *cuddles egg*

Winter: Yep...if you'll excuse me *faints*

Qibli: Winter?

Winter: Don't talk to me, I'm dead now.

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