Dare #101

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*Chris is taking a casual walk in the halls*

Winter: Chris!

Chris: *pauses* Winter?

Winter: I have to tell you something...

Chris: OK, shoot.

Winter: I love you.

Chris: ....Huh--

Winter: Sshhh!

Chris: But--

Winter: SSHHH!

Chris: Winter--

Winter: Sshhh-- shut the fuck up! Anyway, since I first laid eyes on you, I....I... *checks script*

Winter: Oh yes! I always had an attraction to-- Shit! Dropped my script.

Chris: I'm... I'm gonna go--

Qibli: Winter! How dare you!

Winter: *gasp* Qibli!

Qibli: How dare you cheat on me! Slap!

*slaps Winter*

Qibli: And how dare you confess your love for Chris...when I wanted to do that.

Chris: Hey! Let's all calm down here--

*Winter picks up Chris*

Winter: If you want him, you have to fight me for him!

Qibli: So, be it! Let our battle run the halls red with blood!

Chris: Can you put me down first?

Winter: Oh, sure *drops him*

Winter: Anyway-- ARRGH! *charges at Qibli*

Qibli: Fatality! *charges as well*

*The two proceeded to slap each other's talons, in a very sissy way*

Winter: Take that!

Qibli: Ha! You think that's enough to-- Ow!

Winter: Shit! I'm sorry!

Qibli: That really hurt...

Winter: I'm so sorry.

Qibli: Well, a little pain won't stop me. Right, Chris?

*However, they immediately realized that Chris was nowhere to be seen*

Qibli: Oh, man.

Winter: That's the last time we let Kinkajou write the script, she makes everything overly dramatic.

Kinkajou: *scoff* Everyone's a critique.

Winter: Ask or Dare! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now