Dare #170

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*Winter is returning home from a trip*

Winter: Hey--

Qibli: Winter! Save yourself!

Winter: What?

Qibli: Vanilla... She took over the household, and no one can stop her. She's taken the whole school as her slaves!

Winter: I been gone for 5 minutes to get milk, how the fuck did she achieve world domination?

Qibli: She's ate a lot of brain food, man.

Qibli: Go, Winter! It's too late for me!

Winter: This is ridiculous, I'm gonna go talk to her.

Qibli: She won't listen to reason!

Winter: Nonsense. C'mon!

*Winter walked off, and Qibli followed him reluctantly. They entered the living room, where students of the Academy were doing any form hard labor, while wearing chains. In the center, stood a throne, where Vanilla sat with a crown on her head*

Winter: Honey, what are you doing?

Vanilla: I been dared to do anything I want.

Winter: And that includes imprisoning the whole school, and forcing them into manual labor?

Vanilla: You'd be surprised what goes on in my head, Father.

Winter: Where's your siblings?

Vanilla: Don't worry...they're doing some special work.

Dawn: Vanilla! Armie and I coloured in your drawings like you asked!

Vanilla: Did you colour inside the lines?

Dawn: ....nevermind.

Winter: Vanilla! You can't just do this! Stop this, or else you're grounded.

Vanilla: Are you defying me?

Winter: No, as your father, I'm ordering you to stop this.

Qibli: Oh shit.

Vanilla: Wrong choice...

*Vanilla clapped her talons, and immediately Winter was tackled by the students*

Winter: Hey! Let go!

Vanilla: I didn't want to come to this...

Vanilla: But, Father, you are on a timeout!

Winter: What the fu--

Vanilla: Get him out of my sight!

*Winter was carried away, and down the hall. Until, he was thrown out of the mountain*

Winter: ...


Qibli: *walks up* Hey, you alright--

Winter: I just got thrown out of my fucking home! By my own daughter of all dragons!

Qibli: Don't worry, you'll be allowed in the next 5 minutes.

Winter: Qibli, why aren't you doing anything?

Qibli: Hey, I just been given snack privileges, I aren't getting on Vanilla's bad side now.

Winter: No offense, but I need you to have a fucking backbone.

Qibli: She's intimidating!

Winter: She's three months old!

Winter: Ask or Dare! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now