Dare #168

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*In the prey center*

Winter: There she is...

*Qibli and Winter were spying on Anemone, whom was eating a salmon*

Qibli: Dude, this isn't a good idea.

Winter: Sshhh! she might here us.

Anemone: *looks in their direction*

Winter: She spotted us! It's now or never!

Qibli: Got it!

*Winter and Qibli charged forward*

Anemone: What the--

*Winter suddenly pulled out a giant net, and flung it over Anemone, making her drop her salmon*


Winter: Oh shit, she's moving a lot!

Qibli: Here, let me help!

*They managed to get Anemone under control, and they dragged her out of the prey center. Eventually, they made it to a closet*

Anemone: You little shits! Let me--

*Anemone was thrown into the closet, and locked inside*

Winter: Mission Accomplished.

Qibli: Want to get sandwiches?

Winter: Hell ya.

*both left*

Meanwhile in the closet:

Anemone: *pounds on closet door* LET ME OUT! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

Tamarin: Anemone?

Anemone: *blushes* Tamarin!? What are you doing here?

Tamarin: Qibli and Winter said I was dared to play 7 minutes in heaven with someone, I never expected it to be you.

Anemone: 7 minutes in heaven!? But--

Tamarin: We don't have to do it, if you don't want to...

Anemone: ...

Anemone: No, I want to. I really want to.

Tamarin: OK, get ready.

*Tamarin leaned forward*

Anemone: ...

Anemone: Tamarin, you're kissing a wall.

Tamarin: Fuck. Can we try that again?

Anemone: Of course.

*The two leaned in, and shared a tender kiss*

Turtle: *opens closet* Anemone, I heard you yelling--

Anemone: LEAVE!

Turtle: Sorry, sis! *shuts closet door*

Anemone: Hmph!

Anemone: So, where were we, Tamarin? *winks*

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