Dare #100

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Qibli: Winter, why is the lights turned off? It's dark in here.

*turns on light*

Winter: *hiss!*

Qibli: What is this?

*Winter is crouched in a corner, dressed in a dark cape, and red liquid covering his mouth*

Winter: Oh, Qibli! I hoped you didn't have to see me like this.

Qibli: Me too. This is weird.

Winter: The truth is...

Winter: I am a vampire!

Qibli: Hmm.

Qibli: I don't know if it's the ketchup on your face, or the fact that you're fucking crazy, but somehow, I don't believe you.

Winter: I'll prove it! By scouting my prey!

Qibli: Please, don't--

Winter: Forgive me! *dramatic cape sweep before running off*

Qibli: Crap *chases after him*


*the halls of Jade Mountain are normal, when--*

Winter: Beware! It is my time to feast!

Flame: Are you fucking serious?

Winter: Very serious! I am a vampire, creature of the night!

Anemone: A vampire? Suddenly, I'm very straight.

*Anemone leaps into Winter's arms, and exposes her neck*

Anemone: Bite me..and claim me as your own, oh Dark One.

Winter: Uh...nope *drops her*

Anemone: Hey! Come back here and bite me, you wuss!

Pike: I can bite you, Your Majesty.

Anemone: Pike, you know my type is reserved for girls and supernatural creatures.

Pike: *😞*

*Suddenly, Clay and Tsunami walks in, sees Winter*

Clay: What's wrong with Winter?

Tsunami: I knew this day would come...

Clay: Huh?

Tsunami: This school is being overrun by monsters, good thing I have a secret weapon, especially made for this occasion.

Clay: What is it?

*Tsunami pulls out a bag, full of garlic*

Clay: ....Tsunami, please tell me you're not going to throw garlic at our--


Winter: What-- *gets smacked in the face with garlic*

Winter: Ow!

Tsunami: The power of garlic compels you! The power of garlic compels you! *continues to throw garlic*

Clay: Tsunami--

Tsunami: Don't worry, he'll change back to normal any minute!

Qibli: *comes in* Hey! Where's--

Winter: The smelly spheres of agony! IT BURNS!

Qibli: ...nevermind *leaves*

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