Dare #155

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Qibli: Turtle....what did you do to Winter?

Turtle: Uh...

*Between Qibli and Turtle, sat Winter. Winter was now barely older than a hatchling*

Winter: *baby voice* You better change me back! Or I'm gonna fuck you up!

Qibli: Aww! But seriously, this is weird.

Turtle: It's only for the next...10 or so truth or dares...

Winter: *😡*

Turtle: I'm sorry! It has to be like that!

Kinkajou: *comes in* Hey, what's happen--

*Kinkajou sees Winter*

Kinkajou: AHHHHH! SO CUTE!

*Kinkajou picked Winter up, and hugged him*

Winter: *squeak!*

Kinkajou: Aww! He's like a plush!

Winter: Let me go, tree rat!

Kinkajou: Wait? Winter!?

Winter: Yes, it's fucking Winter!

Kinkajou: Is this part of a dare.

Turtle: Well, yeah.

Kinkajou: Wow, who knew something so cute can grow into something so grouchy.

*Winter nibbled on her claws*

Winter: *growl!*

Kinkajou: Hey! That tickles!

Qibli: What are we gonna do with him now?

Turtle: I guess we can give the little guy a nap.

Winter: I'm not a child!

Qibli: Technically, you are. C'mon, let's get you bed.

*They carried Winter to a cart, and gently laid him in*

Kinkajou: Here's some milky milk! *moves in a milk bottle*

Winter: I don't need--

*the bottle was in his mouth, and he sucked the milk. His eyes slowly closed*

Qibli: He's cute...

*Winter flipped them off*

Turtle: In his own way...

Winter: Ask or Dare! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now