Back to the Castle

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Along the way back to the castle, Aster returned the books that Ivory had finished reading and replaced them with a few other science books. Ivory was going through these books faster than River went through chicken legs.

He also planned on asking Moon to take back the wand for a minute to heal him. Having a broken arm for an extended period of time in a dimension like this seems...unsafe. Besides, if the common people saw that one of their royals was hurt even with the royal wand than it could cause major problems.

The entire situation needed to be contained. He was sure his mom or the Magical High Commission would handle it.

When they reached the castle, he stepped out of the carriage and stretched his legs for a bit before entering. Moon was waiting for him and gave him a brief hug before checking his arm.

She didn't need a whole lot of convincing to perform a healing spell herself before returning the wand, in exchange for the scissors she gave him, which he was reluctant to hand over. But he did it anyway.

Aster wanted to jump right into his next quest, but Moon wouldn't allow it. No matter how much he tried to bribe her with tacos. So he'd have to wait a while before he could go on another quest. And considering how the last one went, it would probably be somewhere closer to home.

The following day, while he was laying in his bed and practicing a few spells to make various small life forms. It seemed to be a lot easier to make more comedic life forms than genuine organic life forms. Such as making a living beanbag being easier to make than a regular, functional, won't-explode-within-five-seconds rabbit.

While he was working, a portal opened straight into his room. He looked over and was promptly tackled to the ground by a quick pink and blue blur.

"Ah, fuck!" - A

He said as he fell off the bed. Pony was on top of him. She was a blue unicorn with pink hair, piercings on one of her ears, and a pink horn.

"Are you ready to make some baaad choices?" - P

She said with a big smile, her horn glowing as she used magic to toss him a pair of sunglasses.

"Come on, you'd know my mom would be pissed." - A

He smiled as he held the sunglasses. He was honestly pretty tempted.

"Tick tock! Let's par-tay!" - P

He sighed as he put on the sunglasses and got up.

"Fine, fine. Let's do this!" - A

He said while changing his outfit via magic to something more casual and party-ready.

"Wait, how'd you even open a portal here?" - A

Pony showed him a pair of pink dimensional scissors.

"Whaaat? You have your own pair? Damn, I'm jealous..." - A

He said as he followed her through the portal. They both immediately fell and landed straight on a cloud. All around them were more clouds and dance floors. A robotic DJ was blasting music as various races danced and partied.

The Bounce Lounge was always super chaotic like this. Hence why it was so much fun. It didn't take long for the too to get a couple of drinks in their system and start going wild.

Aster was swinging on the disco ball and firing fireworks and teddy bear plushies from his wand when Pony shouted at him.

"Hey! Let's do the photobooth!" - P

"What? It's still here?! It's been so long!" - A

He grinned from ear to ear as he dropped down and followed her to the booth. They took multiple photos together before walking out. Not long after, Pony started getting pretty pushy.

"Hey, let's go to the Amethyst Arcade!" - P

"Whaaat? We just got here? The party don't stop till my mom shows up!" - A

"Pleaaase?" - P

She seemed pretty insisten on leaving for some reason so he shrugged but followed her. After going through another portal, they got to a crystal dimension full of arcades.

People of literal shapes and sizes were playing the games. The two of them began playing games and competing against one another.

"Come on! I totally almost beat you at Dance Dance Revolution this time!" - A

"Not in a million years, two legs!" - P

The two laughed while drinking soda. He took another sip before noticing he was running low.

"I'm gonna get another refill. Be right back." - A

He smiled as he left. When he came back, Pony was acting weird again.

"Hey, I know this other club! Let's go! I uh, have a friend waiting for us in the mosh pit! Yes, that is the course of events..." - P

"Uh, sure." - A

He had a weird feeling but followed her to the ScumBucket. Which was a huge pirate themed concert. The rock band playing kept the audience riled up enough for both Pony and Aster to crowd surf.

But things were suddenly brought to a halt when another portal opened up and three guards in suits and masks came out. They began pushing through the crowd and demanding Pony be delivered to them.

When he realized they were after her, he pulled out his wand and got ready to fight. Wouldn't be the first time he'd have to help her out of trouble.

", I must really mean a lot to you, huh?" - P

She said, noticing how he didn't hesitate to defend her. She sighed.

"Here. Hold out your hand." - P

She used her magic to put her dimensional scissors in his hands.

"Huh? Pony?" - A

"I won't need these where I'm goin'." - P

She said as she approached the guards.

"Hey! Creeps! I heard you were looking for me! So come and get me!" - P

She said, baiting them into chasing her away from Aster. Besides, had Aster fought these guards, he might've been dragged into the situation. Aster followed her, managing to see Pony wrecking havoc as she ran and ran until she hit a wall. Literally. This was followed by footsteps and a loud booming voice.

"Time to give it up, Pony." - King Unicorn

He was a huge sea green unicorn with a glowing blue mane. He was easily the size of the minotaur Aster had fought off before, maybe bigger.

"Hello, daddy..." - P

"Hello, princess." - KU

Aster jogged over to Pony, hoping to get some actual answers.

"Pony, what's going on?" - A

"It's the end of the line for me, B-Fly. But atleast I got in last one night of fun before I get shipped off..." - P

"Shipped off? To where?!" - A

He said, super confused.

"To St Olga's!" - P

She said, looking terrified. Even Aster gasped.

"Not St Olga's!" - A

"It's true, I did it to myself. I'm headed to the slammer..." - P

"It's reform school, cupcake. Not prison. Though admittedly I see the similarities..." - KU

"Aw, Pony, you really spent your last free night with me?" - A

"Of course! You're like my best friend." - P

He smiled and hugged her, and eventually waved as he watched her get dragged off into a dark green portal.

"Don't worry about me! No prison can hold this pony!" - P

She said before going in. King Unicorn sighed.

"Oh, kids. You have 'em and then wish you didn't..." - KU

He said before following after. Aster gave a sad smile before looking at his new dimensional scissors. He'd put them to good use. Starting with getting home so he could vomit...

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