Powers - Part 3: The Immortal

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Aster and Jackie were entering some ancient ruins that Lo Pei had directed them to. Apparently something very powerful was hidden here.

The structure itself wasn't super well hidden. The only obstacle in getting to it was a large forest. Once they entered, Jackie began to cough because of how much dust was here.

"Well, check it out...it's some cool armor." - A

He said as he approached the back of the room, where a blue and gold armor set stood. It definitely looked like something Lo Pei would wear into battle.

"You mean the Armor of the Eight Immortals." - JC

He corrected.

"Yeah, but they can't all wear it at once. So it should be called the Armor of the Immortal." - A

Jackie rolled his eyes, not wanting to debate over it.

"You take the legs, I take the arms?" - A

He nodded and Aster opened a portal, allowing the pair to carry the armor set through it. Once they got it to Lo Pei, he confirmed it's magic was still active.

"The armor enhances the wearer's physical abilities, as well as granting them flight. I wore it in the battle against Shendu. It's what allowed me to withstand Shendu's immense strength. However, I believe it is time for it to have a new owner." - LP

He pushed the armor towards Jackie and Aster.

"Cool. Looks like you're getting some powers, Jackie." - A

"Wait, what? I thought you were taking it." - JC

"I have my magic. I don't need it. And with Viper and Xu Lin added to our team, you're falling behind. Besides, once I'm done updating this baby, you won't have to worry about guns anymore." - A

He said while starting to drag it away. Jackie looked unsure but had to admit he had been feeling a little insecure about how much stronger Viper and Xu Lin were in comparison to him. Even Uncle was getting stronger by getting lessons on Chi from Lo Pei.

Aster observed the armor in his office. He figured this would be a good challenge for his protege, Ivory. So he opened up a portal to the nearly completed laboratory on Mewni and brought the armor over.

Ivory was in a white lab coat, studying some cells through a microscope. Aster very rarely checked in on her. But that was because Ivory was just very independent. He threw all kinds of books and knowledge at her, and she devoured it like a black hole. She was probably one of the smartest people on Mewni. Emerald was still catching up.

"Ivory! I got a new project for you." - A

Ivory looked up from the microscope and saw the armor.

"What is it, sir?" - Ivory

She asked while curiously staring as Aster put the armor on one of the examination tables.

"This is the Armor of the Immortal. It's magic based and enhances physical abilities. Figure out how. And complete this assignment while you're at it." - A

He tossed her a small folder, which she caught.

"I'll get to work right away." - I

He nodded before leaving. Ivory opened the folder to read the assignment. Apparently Aster wanted to combine the glyphs from the Scroll of Hung Chao with the armor, which would require precise carving. The rest of the file was details on where to place the glyphs.

"Fascinating..." - I

Ivory craved knowledge. Before Aster came along, she'd been a regular maid. Maybe a bit higher in status to other maids, but that was it. Aster had helped her see how much she was missing, and now she saw the world around her as a puzzle. One she was determined to solve. People who didn't share a similar vision to improve the world and discover its secrets didn't belong in it. Atleast that's what she thought.

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