Side Story: The Fifth Talisman

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Aster and Jackie were on a moving train, and Aster blasted open one of the crates to reveal the Sheep Talisman inside. Jackie happily took it, only for that joy to be cut short as ShadowKhan began to fill the room they were in.

"Hehe, it's not here?" - JC

"I got this, Jackie." - A

He said as he pulled out the dimensional scissors and showed it to the ShadowKhan, who observed cautiously. He then quickly opened up a portal to Uncle's shop and both he and Jackie jumped through, followed by a few ShadowKhan that managed to squeeze through before the portal closed.

"Anti-Evil Protection!" - A

He said as his wand glowed and released a golden aura that covered the entire building, forcing out the ShadowKhan. Jackie let out a sigh of relief before being tackled by Jade.

"Jackie! Guess where im going?" - Jade

"To school?" - A

"No! Im going to MooseWorld!" - J

"Jade, please. It's been a long day. Give me a break." - JC

He said as he got up. Uncle came over, looking thrilled.

"Jackie! What did you bring me?" - JC

"The Sheep Talisman. And maybe say thank you this time? He's been putting his life at risk for these things." - A

"Bah! No time for that! Need to figure out what magic it holds!" - Uncle

He said while taking the talismán and walking to the back. He tried to pull Jackie along with him, but Aster got in the way.

"Look, let him rest. I can literally read any language. I'll be more helpful." - A

Uncle thought about it before accepting. Aster's MewBerty form not only gave him wings, but also the Omatilda Eyes, which could read any language and see into other dimensions. However the second part could lead to insanity, so he didn't use the eyes very often.

He and Uncle began to work together to figure out what power the talismán held after reading the inscription on the back. But while they did that, Jade happened to steal the talismán itself.

"I'll just figure out what the talismán does the easy way!" - Jade

She said as she brought it up to the attic and began to wave it around until she felt a sudden wave of sleepiness fall over her as she passed out, and her soul became detached from her body. She screamed in panic as she saw her own body.

"On no! I'm dead!" - Jade

She said before touching her body and getting sucked back in, and waking up.

"Wait...I'm not dead?" - Jade

She said as she used the talismán again and began to float around freely through the talisman, enjoying the freedom of being intangible.

She then got an idea and floated down to the first floor, and tried to scare Aster and Uncle, but neither could see her. She decided to fly away to MooseWorld, and ended up spending the entire day there.

While she was gone, the Dark Hand goons tried to attack but Aster just blasted them out of the shop. When Jade returned to her body, she told Aster and Uncle all about it.

"I was like a ghost! It was so awesome!" - Jade

"Yeah, we know." - A

"Huh?" - Jade

"We deciphered the talisman's power a while ago. And it's not ghost powers, it's Astral Projection. And you should consider yourself lucky I put an anti-evil protection spell over the shop, or your body could've been possessed by any kind of wandering spirit." - A

"Yeah, yeah." - Jade

She waved him off.

"Regardless, you can't just use talismans recklessly. Remember last time?" - A

He said, referring to their whole space-time adventure.

"That was different!" - J

"We told you not to do something, and you did it anyway. How can we trust you if can't even follow simple commands?" - A

She looked down.

"Then I guess you can't trust me..." - J

Aster sighed and out his hand on her shoulder while kneeling down on her level.

"I get it. You think it's fun. But these things are seriously dangerous. Maybe if you prove you can handle it, I'll let you mess around with the talismans a bit on Mewni." - A

"Really?!" - J

"But only if you try to act more responsibly from now on." - A

"Promise!" - J

She said with a big grin.

'Hopefully she keeps her promise...' - A
At Section Thirteen, Aster opened up a portal to the vault really quick. He stepped through and place the Sheep talismán with the others.

"Five down, seven to go." - A

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