The Back Room

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Aster and Marco were in Butterfly Castle, discussing the possibility of dragon breeding when a little person with pale yellow skin, horns, and green hair came up to them.

"Mail for one Aster Butterfly!" - Mail Woman

She said cheerily.

'I really need to pick a new last name...' - A

He thought to himself before taking the letter she had.

"Thanks." - A

He said before opening it. His eyes widened as he read it's contents.

"...everything okay?" - Marco

"Quest closing." - A

He said as he turned the letter around so he could read it. He read it for himself before grinning.

"Yes! Finally!" - Marco

He began to do a little dance out of joy.

"...really?" - A

"Quest Buy is going out of business! It's closing down forever! I hate Quest Buy!" - M

He said with a big smile.

"I mean, I get you haven't had the best experience there, but atleast you got that sweet wallet." - A

"Yeah...but I almost died like four times trying to shop there." - M

"Four is actually really good! Most people almost die like fifteen to-...okay, I see your point." - A

"Are we going or what?" - Janna

Aster and Marco turned to look at Janna who had suddenly appeared.

"How did you get here?" - M

"You didn't let her in?" - A

He asked. To which Marco shook his head.

"Heh, wouldn't you two like to know." - J

She said with a cryptic smile.

"Yeah, that's why I asked." - M

"Don't worry about it." - J

She shrugged. Marco sighed, already knowing this wasn't going anywhere.

"Fine, but we're coming back to this later." - M

He said before opening a portal to Quest Buy. The trio entered and found that, shockingly, the entire place was full of customers in every aisle.

"Attention, customers. Don't miss our Going Out of Business Sale." - Announcer

One of the sloth employees said over the speakers. Janna split off to do...Janna things. Meanwhile, Aster and Marco tried to get anything worth buying, but someone always managed to grab it before they did. Aster even got into a telekinetic fist fight with one of the customers until Marco dragged him away.

Eventually they found Janna again, this time she was wearing an employee tag.

"How did you get hired here?" - A

"One of the employees got mauled to death during a riot in aisle five hundred and three. So I just took it when everyone cleared out. Anyways, wanna go see what's in that back room?" - J

She asked, pointing to a set of doors that said 'Employees Only'.

"...yes." - A

"What? Aren't you usually all about rules and responsibility?" - M

"Dude, even I don't know what's going on in Quest But. And if it's closing forever, I wanna atleast learn how it works." - A

Marco sighed.

"Fine...but I'm coming too!" - M

"As if you had a choice." - A

He patted Marco on the back as the trio walked up to the doors and went through. Inside, they found another set of doors. This one was covered in warning labels, trying to keep people out.

"Yeaaaah, there's probably some horrible secret behind there." - A

"Even better." - J

She pushed those doors open too to reveal...!

An empty stock room.

"...I am very disappointed." - A

"Guess they really are getting rid of everything..." - M

He said as they began to walk through the empty aisles of shelves.

"This sucks, I was hoping to get extra wallets in case mine got worn down." - M

He turned his head and saw the exact amount of wallets he wanted, in the exact color he wanted.

"Wallets!" - M

He ran over to look at them.

"That's...really lucky. Probably more lucky than a pot of gold." - A

He said before turning a corner and finding a literal pot of gold coins.

"...ohhh! So that's how it works!" - A

He said, putting the pieces together on his mind.

"That's how what works?" - J

"We say what we want and it appears. That's how Quest Buy had everything!...but then why are they going out of business?" - A

"Who cares?" - J

"We can have literally anything!" - M

The two of them began to come up with anything and everything. Janna mostly got eldritch creatures and goth furniture. Marco got things he could actually use or things that could solve problems for him. Aster got several books that went into detail about how this room worked. But while they were all enjoying themselves, they heard loud slurping.

They turned their heads in the same direction and saw one of the sloth employees drinking a soda and watching them. All the things they got turned into clouds.

"...she works here." - A

He pointed at Janna.

"Oh, don't mind me, I'm just waiting." - ???

"...for?" - A

"For your brains to go all gooey." - ???

He said while coming closer to the group.

"Waiting for the what now?" - A

"Why didn't you tell them?" - ???

He asked Janna.

" brains turned to goo." - J

"Haha, classic Stu." - ???

He said, having read Janna's name tag.

"Anyways, this is a magical room that turns your unnecessary desires into reality." - ???

"Yeah, we know. But how? And why? And what happens if we do it for too long?" - A

"Dunno...but everybody who wanders back here eventually gets something they really want, and never wants to leave...then their brains turn to goo." - ???

"Well, that sounds horrible and all, but we aren't like those other people." - A

"Yeah, we're good. A little baby Marco with wheels for hands would be awesome, but we don't need it." - J

Just as she said it, it appeared. Marco felt...weird about this thing existing. He wasn't sure if he should take it home or not, but he decided to just follow Aster and Janna out of the door. They checked out after getting the last few things they wanted, and Quest Buy finally closed.

And as it did, literally everything in the dimension disappeared except the tiled floor.

"...huh. So this is what an empty dimension looks like." - A

"You ready to go?" - M

"Yeah, I'll right behind you." - A

He opened a portal and the two went home. Aster began to super speed through the dimension, trying to find anything. Any sign that Quest Buy was still around. Aaand nothing. It was endless flood. But at least he got the change to see how fast he could go.

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