Bebe & the Mad Dog

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The trio were at Bueno Nacho. Their food had already arrived but Ron was refusing to eat. Apparently he was in a bad mood.

"Ron, cut the drama and just eat." - K

"Not hungry..." - R

"Not even for a naco?" - C

He said. He might not approve of Ron's eating habits, but it was still Ron's body. His body, his choice. And besides, Ron would just have to work harder during training to burn it off.

"Why are you even upset?" - C

Ron explained that he'd had a meeting with a guidance counselor, who told him to join an extracurricular activity for his college application, which was still years away.

" that it?" - C

"Y'know, some of us have to actually worry about having a career after high school. This is a big deal!" - R

"There's plenty of clubs you could join. What about...the mathletes?" - K

"I can't join! I'm not in shape yet!" - R

"Mathletes as in math club, Ron. And he can't join. It's social suicide. And his rep is already a problem." - C

He said while he and Kim shared fries.

"There's the debate team." - K

"When was the last time Ron won an argument?" - C

"Hey!" - R

"Im trying to help. Any club will do as long as you can do it successfully. Like Kim's cheerleading." - C

Ron got an idea and grinned.

"Cheerleading!" - R

"...oh, no. Ron, no. Cheerleading is my thing." - K

She said in a worried tone.

"I'm upbeat! I could do it!" - R

"You're not the most agile and flexible, Ron. Maybe try out for school mascot. Go bulldogs, right?" - C

Ron picked up Kim's Pom-Pom.

"More energy! Like this. Goooo BullDogs!!" - R

He shouted while waving it around. He and Kim exchanged slightly worried looks.
At home, Kim was complaining to Anne and Caster in the dining room.

"My life is so over! Ron is going to ruin everything I've worked for!" - K

"Just because Ron can be silly doesn't meant you're suddenly gonna lose everything." - C

"'s Ron, Caster." - K

"...Y'know, transferring schools is still an option." - C

"Nobody is transferring schools. I think it's cute that Ron wants to be a cheerleader." - Anne

"Boy bands are cute! Brown bear backpacks are cute. Ron as a cheerleader? Not cute." - K

"I'm with Kimmy on this one. Ron's skill set is very specific. He can be very...(*insert Ron flashback*)...clumsy, otherwise." - C

"There's gotta be something we can do! Maybe there's a rule or something?" - K

"No rule against guys joining cheerleading teams." - C

"Try to be more optimistic about this, Kimmy. This is a good opportunity for you and Ron to spend time together." - Anne

She said before leaving to make dinner. Kim sighed as she sat on the couch.

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