No Regrets

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Jade and Tohru were playing video games in Jackie's apartment on HEROES island, with Jackie and Aster nearby, watching from the dining room. Jade beat Tohru again and cheered as Uncle entered the room.

"Everyone get ready! We are going to the opera tonight!" - Uncle

He said, holding up a few tickets.

"I didn't know you were into opera." - A

He said as he took one of the tickets to look at it.

"Seven Little Fortunes." - A

He read outloud.

"Wait, isn't that-?" - JC

"That's right, the troupe where i received my opera training." - Uncle

He nodded, confirming it.

"So you weren't just into opera, you were part of it?" - J

She asked, finding it absurd to the point it was funny.

"Uncle was very young." - Uncle

He said defensively.

"Okay, but why go to the opera all of a sudden? You could've gone at any time if you'd asked me to open a portal." - A

"My friend Wing took over the troupe, and I wanted to congratulate him. But...I haven't seen him in over sixty years." - Uncle

He said with a look of regret.

"Well, better now than never." - A

He said, trying to cheer him up.
At the opera, Uncle, Jade, Tohru, Jackie, and Aster watched the performance. Though Aster and Uncle were the only ones really paying attention. Tohru was sleeping, Jackie was inspecting an artifact he'd brought with him, and Jade was playing with a video game.

So, Aster opened a portal and threw the artifact and video game through it and then blasted Tohru's face with Somnum Nihil Magis, a spell that crammed eight out of sleep into four minutes.

Aster then refocused on the stage as he felt magic nearby. One of the performers emerged from the floor, literally phasing through it.

"Woah! How'd he do that?" - J

She asked, imagining herself doing something similar during a fight.

"Stage secret,Uncle cannot reveal." - Uncle

He smiled, though Aster had a suspicion it was more than that. Another stage performer phased through the wall to make a grand entrance, with Aster now certain it was real magic.

After the, lovely, performance, they stayed behind to meet Uncle's friend, who eventually came out from backstage. Uncle smiled, but Wing just looked confused.

"Chuckles? Is that you?" - Wing

"Beetle Brow!" - Uncle

He said in greeting as they hugged.

"You still remember your nickname for me after sixty years?" - Wing

He said with a smile of his own.

"Haha! Who could forget those fuzzy caterpillars!" - Uncle

He said, referring to Wong's large eyebrows.

Wing introduced his troupe, while Uncle introduced the group. Aster got closer to two of the performers he saw phasing through things, and began listening to their thoughts.

At first, it was just the normal stuff. Secretly judging, thinking of food, their next robbery...

Oh, yeah. The two performers had also been using their 'magic makeup', which gave them intangibility, to rob museums. So to avoid alerting the pair that he was onto them, he discreetly pulled Wing, Uncle, and Jade aside.

"The blue and green performers are thieves." - A

Wing stared at him before bursting into laughter.

"Chuckles, are you sure he is not related to you? You two share the same ridiculous humor." - Wing

He said, thinking it was a joke.

"Yeah, im a real joker. I'm serious though." - A

Wing's laughter stopped as he began to look offended.

"And what evidence do you have to accuse my employees?" - Wing

He asked protectively.

"I...have a gut feeling. But let me prove it! Jade, get some water and remove their makeup. You two go check their rooms or bags for anything stolen." - A

"Why would I agree to this?" - Wing

"If I'm wrong, I will donate a thousand dollars to your troupe." - A

He said, just trying to get him to agree.

"Ha! Very well. Let me prove you wrong." - Wing

He and Uncle left to go do their part, while Jade got the water. She was more than happy to pull a mischievous prank. She had Aster make her two water guns and filled them up before hiding in a corner.

She waited for the two performers to come over before spraying them in the face, ruining their makeup and giving Aster a chance to use his magic to restrain their limbs with Raspberry Ribbon Lasso.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

One of them shouted as Uncle and Wing came back with a bag full of stolen artifacts. Wing looked furious. The two thieves looked like they saw a ghost as their faces went pale, realizing they'd been caught.
The two thieves had been handed over to the police, the artifacts were returned, and Aster got his hands on some new makeup.

But Wing and Uncle did get into a small argument. Apparently the two had grown up together in the troupe, until Uncle discovered his passion for magic and left. Wing had resented him ever since, and Uncle was unapologetic for pursuing his happiness.

However, the two did eventually find some common ground. They both just wanted different things in life. Having different career paths didn't mean they couldn't still be friends. Uncle still enjoyed the opera, he just didn't want it to be his life. And Wing had to accept that.

As for Uncle, he had to apologize for vanishing from Wing's life for so long. He'd felt guilty after initially leaving, and thought Wing might not want to see him, so he put it off. And he just kept doing that until sixty years had passed.

Ultimately, they both regretted not being there for each other's achievements. But it wasn't too late. They could still fix what they broke, together.

He considered using some on Jade, but that was a lot of power for a fifteen year old girl. Maybe when she was older, he'd help her become Shadow Cat.

There were only two other reasons he'd give it to her sooner.

A, an emergency situation where they needed all the power they could get their hands on.

B, Jade moved back to Hong Kong. He'd want her to have as much protection as possible, since she wouldn't be able to be around as much anymore. Plus, Jade might want to try going solo and become Hong Kong's official defender.

As for the troupe, Aster found them very entertaining. So he donated five thousand dollars instead.

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