The Diaz Family

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Aster and Marco arrived through a portal to Marco's house. The two hadn't been here in months until they got an invitation to a party.

"What kind of party is this again? Cause I dunno what to wear or get as a gift I don't know the event." - A

He said as the two approached Marco's house. Marco had finally changed out of his armor and into the usual red hoodie and jeans. He handed Aster the invitation.

"It's someone's baby shower." - M

"Oh, that's nice." - A

He said as he began to read the invite and his eyes widened as he realized who was pregnant. Marco knocked on the front door.

"Hey, mom! We're here." - M

"Oh, wonderful!" - Angela

She said as she fully opened the door, revealing her enlarged stomach. Marco immediately gasped.

"When did this happen?!" - M

"I has been several months since we visited..." - A

He pointed out. Rafael came to join the group.

"You're going to be a big brother, Marco! Say hello to your hermanito!" - Rafael

He showed them the ultrasound of the baby. Marco was just...stunned.

'...still can't see shit on those things.' - A

"Congratulations! Have you named him yet?" - A

"We were thinking..." - Rafael

He and Angela put their arms around each other as they announced the name to the pair.

"Marco Junior." - Angela

"Awww!" - A

"Wait, what?" - M

He said with a not-so-thrilled tone.

"Yeah, after you!" - Angela

"You can't name your son after your other son! It gets confusing!" - M

"They can just call him Junior...actually, never mind, yeah, horrible name." - A

He'd rather not be constantly reminded of that shallow muscle head.

"It's perfect! He's got a mole just like Marco." - Angela

She pointed to the ultrasound. Aster stared at it, trying to figure out how they were seeing a baby in all those random blurbs.

"Ugh...I'm sorry, I just...this is all really sudden. I mean, I didn't even know you were pregnant until now!" - M

"It's okay, you were busy on Mewni. What's important is that you're here now." - Angela

She reassured while putting her hands on his shoulders. Rafael was trying to help Aster see the baby in the ultrasound.

"Now give your mama a hug!" - Angela

Marco just kinda...side hugged her. He seemed almost uncomfortable touching her belly. And Angela was not having it.

"I spent thirty seven hours pushing you out of my body. This is what I get in return?" - Angela

"...okay." - M

He gave her a full hug. The group finally went inside to join all the other guests at the party. Aster began conjuring up some nice presents for the little guy.

"What do you think he'd prefer? A sword or a spear?" - A

He asked Rafael, who laughed.

"I think stealing one of our sons is enough for now." - Rafael

"Mm, that's fair." - A

Marco was finally starting to warm up to the idea of a younger brother and was starting to feel guilty for not getting a gift. He approached Aster, who was putting together a fancy crib.

"Hey, what gift did you pick for the baby?" - M

Aster pointed to a large pile of his gifts next to a smaller pile of gifts, which came from everyone else.

"Oh." - M

"If you feel bad, you should've read the invitation. But it ain't too late. QuestBuy has literally anything a baby could ever need...probably." - A

"Think my parents will notice if we're gone?" - M

"Make an excuse." - A

He said while putting together the last few pieces of the crib. Marco nodded and told his parents some bullshit about going out to get glacier ice for the party. Once he was done, the duo returned to QuestBuy.

As usual, the place was massive. It might look pretty devoid of customers at first glance, but considering it's massive size, there were actually millions of shoppers per day.

The duo started to look through the aisles for anything worth buying, but most of this stuff was...not meant for human babies.

"This stuff is really dangerous." - M

He said while eyeing a pacifier that contained poison, and shivering slightly in fear at the sight of the gift cards.

"This gift has to be the perfect reminder of me." - M

"Don't stress about it. They'll grow out of whatever gift you buy. Try to pick something they can use when they're still young, and then pick something personalized when they're older and have some hobbies." - A

"But this is my first gift to my little brother! It has to be perfect, especially if I'm not around as much." - M

"...oh, what about a portrait of you?" - A

"Ohhh, that's perfect!" - M

"There's a royal painter back on Mewni. He does all the family portraits." - A

The duo took a trip to Mewni. And while Marco spent the next hour getting painted, Aster took a trip to Antarctica to get a bunch of genuine glacier ice into a bucket. He didn't want to disappoint Rafael.
Marco and Aster returned just in time to see the gifts get opened. Aster's gifts obviously went last and bought them all the time they needed. Marco's parents loved the painting.

Though after the party, they did talk to Marco about his absence. They felt like Mewni was stealing him away. They didn't even really know what was happening in his life anymore. He and Jackie hadn't talked in a few weeks.

They understood he was growing up, and he was becoming more independent. They'd support him as best as they could. But they wanted him to try and be around. Atleast to watch his little brother grow up.

Marco didn't seem to realize he had been unknowingly hurting them. But he was more than happy to agree. He loved his parents, and his brother. So making time for them was the least he could do.

As for Aster, he was wondering if he should put the Chans, Possibles, and Diaz family in contact so the parents could act as a support system for each other. Being the parent of unique children like Jade, Kim, or Marco was tough. And there weren't any blogs or support groups for parents like them.

But there could be.

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