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Aster was studying up on magical history at Marco's place until someone knocked on the door. He barely looked up from his book. When Marco opened the door, two guys were there. One with brown skin, big glasses, and curly hair. And the other, with pale skin, freckles, and red hair.

He raised an eyebrow, being curious about Marcos's friends. They came in pretty quickly.

"Who's that?" - Alfonso (big glasses)

He said, pointing at Aster who gave a small wave.

"That's Aster. He's...a new friend." - M

He then seemed to get an idea and went over to Aster, sitting next to him on the couch.

"Can I tell them your magic?" - M

"Why?" - A

"Because it would be fun! Plus, friends don't hide things from each other." - M

"Mm, fine. If you think they're trustworthy..." - A

He said while glancing back to Marco's friends. One of which was picking his nose...

Almost immediately after finding out about magic, Marco made him perform a couple of spells to prove it.

'What am I, some kind of performer?' - A

He said with slight irritation before sighing.

"You know what, here. Go play with this. Let me study in peace." - A

He gave them a magic mirror. They grabbed it and ran off to Marco's room.

After almost an hour and a half of listening to the trio of boys laughing their asses off upstairs, the laughter suddenly stopped. Marco then came downstairs.

"Hey, uh, so funny thing. The mirror said we uh, ran out of time?" - M


"Yeah! It's no big deal!" - M

"Do you have any idea how expensive it is to pay for that stuff?! How did you use it all within a few hours?!" - A

He began tearing Marco a new one before eventually calming down.

"It can't be that bad! I mean, come on, there's gotta be a way we can pay for it! I'll even pitch in!" - M

"They only take gold and jewels. And I don't exactly have a mountain of it." - A

"What about making it with your wand?" - M

"They don't accept magic based currency either. Ugh...and I can't call my mom, so...we'll have to see if they'll agree to accept your money." - A

He said, not feeling the most hopeful about this.
Glossaryck's Notes - Pixtopia

Pixtopia is ruled by a monarchy, similar to Mewni. However, they don't mind having either a king or queen.

Despite being small in size with bright colors and bioluminescent wings, they can be quite fearsome in combat. They have adapted to the modern times of the magic age with the invention of the Magic Mirror.

Rumors have it that they use slavery to mine the resources needed to make them, and tend to have quite a few cannibalistic tendencies...
A portal opened up in a beautiful forest with large trees. Ferguson, Marco, and Alfonso looked around with pure wonder in their eyes. Aster lead them into a doorway in one of the trees.

The inside looked like a normal, modern office. The receptionist was a pixie about the size of a standard water bottle. She has wings on her back, pastel blue skin, and curly purple hair tied in a bun.

"Next please." - Pixie

Aster nudged Marco forward. He stepped up to her desk, trying to act confident.

"This is for the butterfly account, this should about cover it. Keep the change. Buy yourself some of those thimble sized shoes." - M

He winked. The pixie looked at the money in front of her before pushing it aside.

"We only accept gold and jewels." - Pixie

'Fuck...' - A & M

"If you cannot afford to pay, you'll have to work it off in the Mirror Mines." - Pixie

She pulled a lever, causing the floor under the group to open up, revealing a hole. They began screaming as they fell a few feet until they eventually landed in a cave full of reflective crystals.

"Ugh, where are we?" - Alfonso

"There aren't any pixie babes here! It's just an old wizard and some huge buff dude!" - Ferguson

He said, gesturing to the other two slaves near them.

"Look, maybe I can try to use my family's name to get us out of here. Just...don't cause trouble." - A

He said before walking up to a guard.

"I am Aster Butterfly. Prince of Mewni's Butterfly Family. I request an audience with your ruler." - A

He said, trying to keep cool while showing the royal wand as proof. Those magic whips of theirs looked painful...

The two guards looked at each other before one of them spoke.

"Wait here." - Pixie

He left for a moment. Aster figured he was gonna call to check if their ruler wanted to meet him. He waited for about a minute before he returned.

"Come with us." - Pixie

He looked relieved as he gave Marco and his friends a thumbs up. He'd get them out of here soon enough.
He was escorted out of the Mirror Mines and brought back above ground, and then to a large castle. It was filled with pixie guards with various weapons. And eventually, he was brought before the Pixie Queen.

She had a curvy body, with an elegant dark blue dress, pink-purple-and black hair light pink gloves, and very light purple skin. Her wings were gorgeous with various shades of blue in them.

"Empress, this is the one we told you about." - Pixie

"He looks delicious." - PQ (Pixie Queen)

"Uhh, thank you?" - A

He didn't think that was a good sign. She then fluttered over to him, examining his body."

"Are you a king?" - PQ

"No, but I am a prince. I'll be king eventually..." - A

"Tell me. Are you betrothed?" - PQ

"I was. Why?" - A

She giggled.

"I think you know why~" - PQ

"Wait, are you like, into me?" - A

"Big time." - PQ

'We just met...'

He thought about this. If he rejected her, it could get him sent back to the Mirror Mines. If he played along for a while, he could get his friends out...

Looks like he was gonna get engaged.

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