United - Part 3: United Heroez

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Aster arrived in New York through a portal and immediately got looks from the countless people in the streets. He felt a little uncomfortable since he wasn't used to so many people looking at him. Sure, he got a couple of stares whenever he opened a portal in a city, but not to this extent. So he turned invisible with the Snake and began to fly around.

He enjoyed the feeling of weaving in and out between buildings. And the views on top of the sky scrapers were incredible. But while he was flying, a woman got in his way. She, too, was flying.

She had short blonde hair, and a red sleeveless vest with a swan-necked collar, three gold stars and two jagged gold lines on the front, and a zipper-like line down the center of the front, along with a long coattail. Underneath the vest, she had a blue suit with exposed shoulders and long sleeves, and she wore red knee-high boots with two jagged gold lines around the upper edge.

"Majestia, I presume." - A

He turned off his invisibility.

"Mind if I ask how you found me?" - A

"Super hearing. Benefit of being from another planet. What brings you to New York?" - Majestia

She asked, trying to determine if he was friend or foe.

"I wanted to talk to you, actually. And the rest of the United Heroez." - A

"About?" - Majestia

She asked curiously.
KnightOwl entered the meeting room, finding all the other superheroes already waiting there. They'd been brought here through a portal created by DoorMan, a superhero who could use any doorway to create portals to any location, such as the United Heroez' underground base.

KnightOwl approached Majestia, who had called this meeting.

"Why are we all here?" - KnightOwl

They asked.

"I'll get to that. But first, I'd like you to meet Aster. He's here to help." - Majestia

She said, reassuring her lover as she introduced Aster.

"Hi!" - A

He offered a handshake, which KnightOwl ignored.

"Why do we need help from an outsider?" - KnightOwl

"Take a seat and we'll explain everything." - Majestia

She lightly squeezed KnightOwl's hands and kissed the forehead of their helmet, knowing that they were paranoid. Though she found it to be cute. KnightOwl was a little flustered and quietly sat with the other heroes. Majestia and Aster stood at the front of the rooms.

"New York. A beautiful city filled with beautiful people." - A

He said as the screen behind them showed the lovely city.

"A city also filled with villains and criminals." - Majestia

She said as footage of the countless times they'd fought in the streets was shown. All the damage done to the streets and buildings, the many lives they couldn't save. It was...hard to watch. Especially for KnightOwl.

"Everytime you put a villain away, they go on to break out." - A

He said, now showing footage of villains that broke out of prison to cause more havoc.

"And the people always pay for it. The current system doesn't work." - Majestia

"No matter how strong Majestia is, or how smart KnightOwl proves to be, the cycle won't end. Unless we end it ourselves." - A

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