Eclipsa's Chapter

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Aster and Glossaryck were in Marco's bedroom. Because why not? Aster had become much more determined to learn more 'proper' magic after learning about the existence of other magic on Earth.

But before they could start, Glossaryck made Aster buy him a huge amount of chip bags. He then began to go through them, one by one, in search of the 'perfect chip'.

"..." - A

He stared silently as Glossaryck picked up another chip with his toes and examined it before throwing it away.

"Oh, come on! That one was perfect!" - A

"Nope." - G

"Why are you even doing this?" - A

"There is only ever one chip ever truly worth eating. It needs to be the perfect shape, as well as have the best chip-flavor-crunch ratio." - G

"It's just a chip." - A

"To you." - G

He sighed.

"Can we just start?" - A

"Fine. Just pick whatever chapter you want." - G

Aster got an idea as he opened it up to Eclipsa's chapter, which was sealed with various skulls and chains.

"What about this one?" - A

"Oh, no no no! That is the most dangerous chapter in the book!" - G

Glossaryck used his own magic to snap the book shut.

"You said that I get to pick. This is what I picked. And besides, I can handle it!" - A

"Your mother would disapprove." - G

"I do lots of things she disapproves of. But having this knowledge will make me stronger. Being stronger makes me a better protector." - A

"Your mother would totally freak out." - G

"If she found out." - A

He folded his arms with a smug smile.

"Are you sure about this? It's dark magic could taint you." - G

"I can handle it. I've encountered dark magic before." - A

He sighed before opening the book.

"Stubborn. Just like your mother. Classic Butterfly..." - G

He summoned a key and opened it. Aster then took the book and began to go through the spells.

"Oh, wow....some of these are really useful..." - A

He said while eyeing spells like the Portal Spell, All Seeing Eye, and Resuscitation Spell. He could also see why it was considered a dark chapter. Some of the spells were on the more dangerous side. But in general, it wasn't too different from the spells in SkyWin's chapter which also involves undead.

Although the difference between them was that Eclipsa's spells focused on controlling pre-existing undead, while SkyWin's spells focused on creating undead, ranging from zombies to ghosts.

Aster was so focused on the spells he didn't even notice that Glossaryck was unconscious. He was probably just visiting the Magical High Commission's headquarters.

'Now that I think about it...should I tell them about the magic on Earth? Ehh, they probably know. Probably...' - A

"Hey, Aster! Im getting my first chest hair!" - M

He said as he came in. He unzipped his hoodie and then pulled down the neck of his shirt to show off the little hair on his chest.

"That's nice, Marco." - A

He said absentmindedly.

"What's up with Glossaryck?" - M

He said, noticing Glossaryck's eyes were black and he was floating around.

"He's visiting the Magical High Commission." - A

"Okay...what are you up to?" - M

He asked while sitting next to Aster on the floor.

"Studying dark magic." - A

"Is" - M

"Mm, probably? I don't feel any different." - A

He shrugged.

"Huh...have you always been capable of these spells?" - M

Aster nodded.

"It's just a matter of how much power I can output and before I start losing control. But I never thought about coming up with some of these spells..." - A

"Could you make up any spell?" - M

"Yes, why?" - A

"Just curious...I wanna try something!" - M

He pulled out his phone and looked up a few pages on spells from fandoms.

"Appraisal? Long Sense? True Sight? What do these even do?" - A

"These are just some spells that people on Earth came up with! And you can use them!" - M

"Ohhhh..." - A

He said as he looked at the long, long, looong list of spells.

"Let's see..." - A

He tried looking for spells that wouldn't be harmful to test. There was Charm Person, but he didn't want to mess with Marco's mind.

"Oh, perfect!" - A

He grabbed his wand and aimed it at the book.

"Decipher Language!" - A

The spell was meant to decipher a language into a language the SpellCaster could understand as long as they knew the name of the language. In this case, he recognized the Low Menian written in Eclipsa's chapter.

He began to read curiously. But that curiosity began to fade as he realized that about half of Eclipsa's chapter was about the pros and cons of dating various monster races. From the looks of it, it seemed she'd dated everything from Kappas (like Ludo) to Septarians.

When he was done, Marco was taking a nap in the bed. Glossaryck gasped as he finally returned.

"What happened? You didn't get possessed, right?" - G

"Nope." - A

"And you read the whole thing?" - G

"Yup." - A

"And?" - G

"It was...not what I expected? It was less destructive than I thought it would be. But I did get loads of new spells. From the internet!" - A

"...what." - G

He had a deadpanned look.

"Yeah! Humans here on Earth have all kinds of fantasy games and movies. And they made up spells for them. Spells that I can use!" - A

"...that's...surprisingly smart...just don't let it get to your head and try not to kill anyone." - G

"What kind of person do you think I am?" - A

"...I think it's better for both of us if I'm not honest. I'm going to go now, because unlike you, I have things to do today." - G

He said before disappearing into the book.

"Moody..." - A

He said as he closed the book and sat on the bed next to the sleeping Marco. He smiled slightly as he looked at him.

'He's always suprisingly helpful...' - A

He said as he laid down and fell asleep next to him.

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