New Recruits - Part 2: The Monkey King

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Jade, Jackie, and Aster were walking down the streets of San Fransokyo after some grocery shopping. Jade was complaining about Jackie not allowing her to use her powers for a talent show at school.

"I'm sure you have other talents, Jade." - JC

"And it could be considered cheating. But if you want, we could throw a talent show of our own. We have enough friends for it." - A

"But if I win the talent show at my school, I could become popular! Like Kim!" - J

Aster just sighed.

'Maybe I shouldn't have introduced them...' - A

He said before perking up as he felt a strange magic signature. He looked around and noticed a monkey doll in an antique shop window.

"You could try ventriloquism!" - JC

He suggested as the trio entered the antique shop to check out the doll.

"It's a monkey king!" - JC

He said enthusiastically while showing it off.

"Be careful with that thing." - A

He warned. He could tell it was magical, but something was wrong. Like the magic was dormant or something.

"What's a monkey king?" - J

The shop keeper came over.

"A most revered character in folklore. Only twenty dollars." - ShopKeeper

"...we'll take it." - A

He wasn't sure about trying to activate the magic, but he couldn't leave it here.

"He's pretty creepy..." - J

She commented as they paid up and took it home. Uncle scolded them for buying it from one of his competitors, and for even buying a monkey king doll. The monkey king was known for his mischief.

Aster examined the doll while they argued. It had red hair, green robes, and a wooden staff. He noticed an inscription on the staff which he read. Though he didn't read it out loud.

'To rid me of glitches, and put you in stitches, this merry ape begs, pull my leg.' - A

He considered pulling the doll's leg for a moment before changing his mind.

"Hey, Jackie. Do me a favor and pull this thing's leg." - A

"Why?" - JC

"I wanna see what happens." - A

Jackie shrugged and pulled it. The doll glowed with a pink aura as Jackie shrank into a lifeless doll and the Monkey King grew to full size and came to life.

"I'm freeee!" - Monkey King

He said as he looked around.

"Nice to meet ya!" - MK

"Yeah...what exactly are you?" - A

"I'm the monkey king, duh!" - MK

He said. Tohru came in with some tea.

"Oh, nice sumo! Is he house trained?" - MK

He glowed pink again as he shapeshifted into a sumo version of himself.

"What did you do to Jackie?!" - J

She asked while preparing her claws.

"Who?" - MK

He turned around and saw the Jackie doll. He then fell to the ground and began to sob.

"Oh, Jackie! Who did this to ya! Must've been that damn ape! Wait, ape? Oh, right! That's me!" - MK

He stopped crying and jumped back up.

"I'm just pullin' ya leg! Jackie pulled mine! That's why he's like that!" - MK

"Change. Him. Back." - J

She ordered, jabbing her finger into his chest.

"Well, I could. But I'd have to swap places with him. And I ain't never going back!" - MK

"Why?" - A

He disappeared and reappeared in front of Aster.

"You try being stuck as a stupid wooden puppet for a hundred years and see how you like it, wise guy!" - MK

"Okay, point taken. Nobody has to be a puppet, I'll handle this. But I am going to need you to stay with me." - A

"Sorry, no can do. I've got a hundred years of pranks to make up for." - MK

He said while walking towards the exit, but Aster stopped him with Levitato.

"That doesn't exactly work for me." - A

"A magic user? Oh, this'll be fun." - MK

He said with a grin as he grabbed the green aura of Levitato that was around him and peeled it off like it was gum.

'...huh.' - A

"Okay, i can tell where this is going. I don't want to fight. Especially not here. Just tell me what you want and maybe we can come to an agreement." - A

"Wellll, if you've heard of me, and I'm sure you have, you'd know I'm a bit of a prankster." - MK

" you want to prank people?" - A

He turned his staff into a bell and began to ring it.

"Ding ding ding! Winner winner, chicken dinner!" - MK

"Okay, i can work with that..." - A

The Monkey King was...hard to deal with, but he wasn't unreasonable for the most part. Aster could see what the three most important things to him were.

His freedom, his fun, and love.

He'd been imprisoned for a long time without the slightest bit of mobility. So it was understandable that he wanted to be seen, to be heard.

As for his mischief, it was generally limited to annoying pranks. Though the Monkey King admitted he wasn't above murder if it was funny.

And finally, the cause of his mischief. He wanted to be loved and admired. So Aster made a deal with him.

He'd join Aster's team, and get to prank villains as much as he wanted, especially the imprisoned ones, as long as he didn't overstep. The Monkey King, now just King, promised he'd help them out if they 'bit off more than they could chew', but he made sure Aster knew that King wouldn't hesitate to run if he felt his life was in danger.

As for what King had to gain from this deal? It was simple. Friends, admiration, family. Once Jade calmed down and gave him a chance, the two seemed to become somewhat friends.

A guy who could pull out any food from a hat, which he randomly created, made him pretty popular at Section Thirteen. As for his combat skills, they easily made him one of the most powerful members of the team.

He could shapeshift, use magic, and had just as much combat experience Lo Pei. Who, by the way, greatly disapproved of having such a mischievous person on the team. King made sure to show his appreciation for Lo Pei with a few hidden pranks scattered across his dojo.

Other than that, his loyalty was a problem, but if he was anything like Gantu, he would eventually learn to care. Aster believed that most people had good and compassion inside them. They were usually just misguided.

But he knew for sure that there were indeed people out there that were just straight up pure evil. Like Shendu. So he wouldn't hesitate to fight King to the death if it came down to it. Though he hoped it wouldn't come to that.

As for Jackie, breaking the curse was simple once Lo Pei got involved. Jackie wasn't amused with being stuck as a puppet for a few hours...

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of Evilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें