Endings & Beginnings - Part 1

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(Marco POV)

Marco was having an end of the school year party at his place. It was too late to cancel after yesterday, so...he kinda had to go through with it, despite really not being in the mood.

He and Aster hadn't talked since Song Day, and Marco was trying to hold himself together but...it wasn't exactly easy. Aster had been the one person he could always talk to, the guy he always turned to for help. And now...

He can't.

Marco walked around the party, watching his friends and classmates go about their lives, signing yearbooks, eating chips. And he just...didn't understand. Jackie came over to talk to him.

"Jackie, how can everyone here act like everything is normal?" - M

"Cause it is normal." - JL

She said with a little confusion as she offered him some nachos, which he turned down.

"I can't eat...I'm uh...stressed." - M

He didn't clarify what exactly was stressing him out.

"Cause of your parents?" - JL

She asked in concern.

"They aren't helping, but...no. Things got weird with me and Aster, and I want things to be normal, but I don't know if we can ever go back to our normal, so I'm not sure if we're going to have a new normal?" - M

"Okay, looks like you're having a Marco moment. Try not to overthink everything and just enjoy the party. C'mon, let's go use your blender on some hot dogs." - JL

She grabbed his hand and began to pull him to the kitchen.

"Why are we blending hot dogs?" - M

"Because why not?" - JL

She said with a smile as she lead him away.

(Aster POV)

Aster was pacing in his bedroom, going back and forth in his head over what he'd even say to Marco.

"Sorry I've been totally in love with you for most of our friendship? Yeah, right. I need something that doesn't make him think I'm some kind of creep..." - A

He said before pausing as he thought about what Jackie would do...

'...no, he'd just avoid the problem.'

He then thought about Jade.

'She'd try to convince him to break up with Jackie for her...' - A

He thought about Tom for a moment before shaking his head.

'Way too angry...' - A

He then sat down on his bedroom door.

'...how would I do it?' - A

He said as he thought about the way he would approach it. Not the Chans, not his family, him...

'...just tell him how I feel...' - A

He said before taking a deep breath as he got up and opened a portal to Marco's house. When he walked through, he was surprised to see a party. But it wasn't super important so he ignored it and began to move through the crowd, looking for Marco.

He eventually found Marco in the kitchen, with...his arm around Jackie.

'Nope nope nope, can't do it.' - A

He said while walking away before stopping and turning right back, going right up to the couple.

"Heyyy, guys..." - A

"Oh, what's up, Aster? Having fun?" - JL

"Yeah, loads of fun...so much fun..." - A

He said awkwardly.

"...okay, I gotta use the bathroom. Be right back!" - JL

She said as she left the two alone together and left. Aster and Marco both just kind of stared at each other.

"...uh...how are you?..." - A

"Great, great...brushed my hair..." - M

"That's good, that's good..." - A

They both stood quietly in the painfully awkward silence.

"Uh, I should Uh...probably go check on Jackie..." - M

He said as Aster nodded and the two quickly separated. Maybe talking to someone would help...

So, he went to the wisest person he knew.
Lo Pei was peacefully meditating in Section Thirteen, in Jackie's dojo. It was very quiet because most agents had gone to sleep by now. But he was interrupted by the sound of a portal opening up behind him. He sighed as Aster walked in front of him and kneeled.

"Hey, so...you're like nine hundred years old, right? You must be super wise." - A

"My body is nine hundred years old. But sure." - LP

"Cool. I just wanted some wisdom on a problem I have." - A

"Will that make you leave?" - LP

"Sure." - A

"Then go ahead." - LP

"Great. So I have this friend, and he's dating someone. But I have a crush on this friend and someone told him, and now...things are different. We're super awkward around each other, and...it's like we're not even friends anymore..." - A

He said with a sad expression.

"I see." - LP

"...is that it? You're not going to give me some sage wisdom? Or tell me about some monster I can fight that can undo all of this?" - A

"Fighting will not help you." - LP

"What? Why not?" - A

Lo Pei sighed as he stood up and brought a bar over to Aster, and placed it in front of him.

"Destroy it." - LP

"...fine." - A

He said, annoyed by the lack of help but quickly destroyed the vase with a single spell.

"And now, fix it." - LP

Aster rolled his eyes and prepared to use magic again.

"No magic. Only your hands." - LP

"What? But that'll take hours!" - A

"Exactly. You can break something in an instant..." - LP

He said as he began to release a glowing yellow energy out of his palm, which gently raised the vase fragments.

"But it can take a lifetime to fix it." - LP

He said as the pieces put themselves back together.

"Hurting others will not make you feel better. It is only by choosing to try and fix things with your friend that you have any hope of finding peace." - LP

Aster looked at the vase. It still had a few cracks, but...it was back together.

"Thanks...you really are wise, huh? Who taught you?" - A

"Life." - LP

He smiled. Aster smiled as well and thanked him once more before leaving, returning to the party. He felt more ready than before to try and talk to Marco.

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