What It Means to be a Hero

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Aster and Marco were hanging out at a donut shop. Aster noticed they were about to throw away a bunch of perfectly good, yet admittedly kinda old, donuts.

"Are you just gonna throw those away?" - A

"Uh, yeah?" - Employee

"Can't I just buy them off you for a reduced price or something?" - A

"Sorry, company policy." - A

He frowned as he watched the guy put all the donuts into a trash bag. He would get those donuts, and fix them. And then, bless his people with them!
Aster had made Marco wait with him behind the donut shop so they could intercept the donuts from being thrown in the trash. Aster heard the employee come out the back door and was about to step out until he heard the employee get attacked.

He and Marco stepped out in confusion. Some girl with purple hair, extremely long pigtails, and a helmet was attacking the employee and picking up the donuts.

"Is that...?" - A

"Hey!" - M

He was about to attack the strange girl until Aster stopped him.

"No! Don't! That's Mina Loveberry!" - A

"Who?" - M

"She's Mewni's greatest warrior! My hero! My idol!" - A

He said with a look of complete wonder in his eyes.

"What's she doing on Earth?" - M

"Good point..." - A

He approached and introduced himself as the new prince before asking.

"I've been sent on a top secret mission to monitor the Earth! Queen's orders!" - M

"Ah, makes sense. Kind of...well, if you wanna hang out with us, you can. We're gonna go to the park to relax for a bit." - A

"Yes! I'll be able to view humanity at its most docile." - Mina

She followed them, looking around at everything with wide eyes. It was...kind of unsettling. It's like she was waiting for some kind of threat.

"So, Mina, what was it like working for Solaria? Was she as powerful as the legends say? Could you teach me?" - A

He asked. He'd admired Mina since he was a child.

"Hmmm, alright! But ain't nothin' for free. You have to do something for me." - Mina

"Of course!" - A

"Help me fight this little monster!" - Mina

She said while trying to chase after a squirrel.

"Ah, that's...a squirrel, a type of rodent." - A

"Oh..." - Mina

Once she understood, they began their first lesson.

"To be a great hero, one must be rid of their morals and remorse! Do not think! Kill!" - Mina

Aster looked a little concerned, but nodded. She then went on a big of a tangent, trying to get a statue in the park to move...
"To be a great hero, you have to be resourceful! Anything can be a weapon." - M

She said as she grabbed the chain off a swing set and used it to destroy a tree.

"Right!" - A

He knew he could do this one, though he was kind of worried about the property damage. He began to scavenge for materials, and...he ended up with a bunch of annoyingly sticky pine cones with goat heads on them so they'd be hard to remove.

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