The First Talisman

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Aster was hanging out with the Chans at a local Chinese restaurant. Aster couldn't remember the last time he had Chinese food, so he was more than happy to be there. But Jade couldn't help but complain.

"Chinese food? I just moved here from Hong Kong! Can't we eat pizza or something?" - Jade

"I could give you a traditional Mewni meal." - A

"Sure!" - A

Aster used his wand to zap her plate of soup and turn it into a bunch of steamed corn.

"This is just corn!" - J

"My people love corn." - A

He shrugged as she sulked and began eating.

"Now, now. The Rooster Talisman possesses great power. Ancient legends speak of twelve talismans, one for each animal of the Chinese zodiac. Each possessing a different magic! Legend also says that each talisman was scattered across the globe. If this, or any talisman, falls into the hands of evil, it could cause catastrophe!" - Uncle

"Are we really sure this thing has magic?" - JC

"The Dark Hand wouldn't be after it if they weren't sure." - A

Jade was starting to get a little rowdy.

"Come on, when do I get to start my training?" - Jade

She said as she got up and began to practice her kicks.

"Nope. Sit your butt down, little missy." - A

He used Levitato to force her back into her chair.

"We aren't trying to get kicked out. And I promised to train you as soon as you prove you can be responsible." - A

She huffed and crossed her arms. Aster then finished his noodles and opened a fortune cookie when he was done.

"Danger looms in your future. Huh...that's pretty ominous." - A

"We must be very cautious." - Uncle

"Don't listen to a cookie!" - JC

"Hey, Chan." - Finn

He, Chow, and Ratso came over to their table.

"This is why we don't mock the cookie." - Uncle

'Mom and Uncle would get along...' - A

"Where's the talisman?" - F

"Uhhhh..." - JC

"Enough talk!" - Ratso

He tried to punch Jackie, leading to a three way fight between Ratso, Jackie, and Chow in the middle of the restaurant.

"This is why we can't have nice things." - A

He said with a sigh before standing up, grabbing a chair, and smashing it on Finn's back, knocking him to the ground. He then grabbed a nearby plate of rice and shoved it into the approaching Ratso's face.

Chow glared but grabbed his two comrades and dragged them out. Jackie had already given them a beating, and Aster had disoriented both Finn and Ratso. So they didn't feel very confident. They'd have to bring more goons next time...

Aster then spent the next fifteen minutes using his gold to pay off the store manager to not ban them for life or press charges. Jackie had run off to chase after the trio of goons. Aster stayed in the shop to protect Uncle, Jade, and the talisman.

But when he looked over at Jade, she was...gone. He sighed.

"All I asked for was a little responsibility. But nooo, she has to run towards the danger!...oh my god, I'm turning into my mother..." - A

"Aiya! We have to find them!" - Uncle

The two finished paying and went to find them. Aster was checking alleyways but didn't find anything. He kept checking anyway until he found...!


"...fuck." - A

He said as he picked up Uncle and began running. He couldn't open a portal while running, so he'd just have to try and get away in time.

He ended up seeing Jackie and Jade ahead of him on the street and began to wave his arm.

"Run! Run!" - A

They both looked confused until they saw the small army of ShadowKhan chasing Aster, and began running too.

Uncle, Jade, and Jackie were all screaming. Aster summoned a cloud and began riding on it. He picked up Jackie and Jade on the way. The ShadowKhan were still chasing after them and running on rooftops to keep up with them.

"We need to kept the talisman as far away from them as possible!" - Uncle

He said as the cloud began to fly right over a large bridge. The ShadowKhan were climbing up the bridge to reach them. Jackie kicked away any that got too close for comfort.

A ShadowKhan eventually managed to throw a giant ninja star at them which cut the cloud in half, causing them all to fall down into the road. Fortunately the bridge was closed for construction purposes so they didn't have to fear getting run over. Buuut...

"The talisman." - Tohru

Said the large man as he extended his hand expectantly. In his other hand was some kind of...staff thing? It had four dragon heads and was glowing in front of Aster.

"Kiss my ass." - A

He said before Tohru knocked him out. When he woke up, all four of them were tied up in a building. It seemed that Tohru still couldn't find the talisman, which was safely hidden inside of Aster's wand. Which his back pocket.

But that also meant they assumed Aster ate it...

So now they had him strapped to a table and Tohru came into the room with a buzzsaw.

"Jackie! Now would be a good time for you to repay me for saving your life!" - A

"I'm not exactly free either!" - JC

"Maybe if I..." - A

He tried to connect to the talisman and call upon its power. He tried doing it the same way he dipped down. And, right before Tohru could start cutting, the buzzsaw floated out of his hands.

"No way..." - J

"Telekinesis?" - A

He said in surprise before telekinetically shoving Tohru over and then breaking Jackie's restraints. Once Jackie set Aster free, they were able to free both Jade and Uncle.

Finn, Ratso, and Chow then came in with a bunch of armed goons.

"Get ready for payback time!" - F

"I don't think so." - A

He said as he levitated one of their guns into the air and aimed it right back at them. He then grabbed his wand and used it to enhance the power of the talisman so he could disarmed their guns completely.

Jackie grabbed a pair of fish from a nearby crate and used them as nunchucks as he began helping Aster knock out the goons.

Unfortunately, Tohru got back up and began to chase the small group. Aster couldn't focus as well while running from him but he was able to lift a couple of boxes and throw them at Tohru to slow him down.

Jackie tilted a big bucket full of fish and let the water spill out, causing Tohru to trip and fall. Aster then got the chance to use his wand.

"Coercere!" - A

He said as glowing purple restraints appeared on Tohru, keeping him tied down.

"Finally..." - A

With that settled, Aster and the Chans went to Section 13 to give them the talisman. Aster was reluctant to hand it over, was probably for the best. If anything happened, he could just move it to Mewni.

As for Tohru, he was shipped off to prison. But Aster knew that the Dark Hand would probably break him out soon.

If only he had his own organization, so he could handle all of this his way...

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