The Mystic Monkey - Part 2: Horrible Actors

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The group had set up camp for the night. Caster could've returned the entire group home instantly, but he wanted to see how Monty interacted with it.

Once the sun set, the group tried to sleep by their campfire. Monty and Bates got their own tents while Caster, Kim, and Ron got sleeping bags. Ron kept complaining about Monty being suspicious, which kept Kim and Caster awake.

"I'm telling you, he's evil!" - R

"We know! But we can't prove it yet. Wait until we have evidence." - C

"Now sleep!" - K

The two said as they tried to get him to shut up. Caster and Kim finally managed to get some sleep, atleast until Ron slapped them both awake.

"They're stealing the statue!!" - R

"What?..." - C

He grumbled as he and Kim groggily looked around at the camp and saw a ninja stealing the statue from Monty's tent.

"Fuckin' ShadowKhan had better manners than this guy..." - C

He grumbled as he and Kim got out of their sleeping bags. Kim tied up her hair and threw aside her face mask while Caster powered up his Chi Enhancement.

The two began fighting the ninja, who seemed to be an expert martial artist. He was able to fight them both at the same time, and was even winning.

His fighting style consisted of both traditional martial arts, and a heavy influence of monkey style Kung Fu. Even when Caster managed to punch the ninja into a tent, the ninja retaliated with throwing the statue right at Caster's face as a distraction while he attacked Kim, retrieved the statue, and then ran off.

"We keep getting out asses beat..." - C

He said, rubbing his nose while also wishing he had his wand. Monty and Bates came out of the tents at long last.

"What on Earth happened?" - Monty

"We got attacked. They stole the statue. Which you had." - C

"Oh! How awful!" - Monty

"Indeed, very shocking." - Bates

'...they are horrible actors.' - C

Caster was fully convinced these two were evil. It didn't make sense for the ninja to attack them here unless they knew exactly where to look. Which meant either one of these two was the ninja, or one of them was working with the ninja.

"Word of our discovery must've gotten out!" - Monty

He explained.

"You didn't tell people, right? I mean, we only found it a few hours ago." - C

"Of course I did! The world had to know." - Monty

"..." - C

He and Ron exchanged looks. Kim just looked disappointed that she failed to stop the thief. She was seriously considering taking up Caster's offer to train at Section Thirteen...
Caster and Kim were having breakfast at the Possible house. Anne was cooking up some bacon while James read the newspaper.

"How'd things go in Cambodia?" - James

"Could've gone better." - C

"We found a really old ancient monkey statue." - K

"But then a ninja stole it." - C

"Ah, I see. Damn ninjas. But I know just the news to cheer you up! Cousin Larry felt so bad for missing you two on game night, that Aunt June decided to invite us over for dinner on Saturday!" - James

Kim nearly spit out her orange juice and Caster stopped chewing to process what he just said.

"That's...greaaat..." - C

"Yeaaah, but we wouldn't wanna impose." - K

"Not at all! June says Larry never has friends over." - James

'I can see why...' - K & C

"Maybe because he's the nerdiest guy on the planet?" - Jim

One of the twins said as they entered the kitchen.

"Jim, we don't mock family." - James

He scolded.

"Larry might not be the coolest kid on the block, but Kim and Caster know better than to judge a book by its cover. Right, kids?" - James

"Hm?" - C

He looked up. He was more focused on the monkey statues than whatever James was saying to the twins.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." - K

She laughed nervously. She wasn't paying attention either. James didn't seem to notice though...
The trio were hanging out at Bueno Nacho again. Kim was still complaining about Uncle Larry while Caster ate some fries and tried to finish his homework. Mid conversation, Wade called.

"Hey! I dug up some info on that jade monkey. The temple was one of four temples, built by the followers of monkey kung fu! Each temple had a jade monkey. Legends say that when the four statues are brought together, they give a chosen warrior mystical monkey powers! But the warriors didn't want anyone getting the power, so they split them up." - Wade

"Let me guess. Monty's been to every temple?" - C

"Oh, yeah." - Wade

"Looks like we know who the ninja is." - C

"We do?!" - R

"'s Monty, Ron. He's the ninja." a C

"...ohhh!!" - Ron

Caster sighed.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence? He's the expert on everything simian. Maybe he's just really into monkeys." - K

"Are any of your missions that simple?" - C

"...yeah, let's go." - K
The trio arrived at Monty Fisk's castle, which was...eerie, to say the least. It has a whole 'super villain lair' vibe. It even had a draw bridge with giant chains. When they rang the doorbell, Bates gasped in surprise when he saw them.

"K-Kim Possible!" - Bates

"Nice to see you too, Bates." - C

Bates let them inside after a bit of chat. He didn't exactly have a good reason to not allow them in...

Monty Fisk was waiting in one of the living rooms, and was wearing a red robe.

"Kim Possible, her associate, and her monkey phobic friend! How delightful to see you all again." - Monty

"I have a name...we just wanted to ask about-" - C

"I see, so you've uncovered my secret obsession with Tai-Shing Piqua!" - Monty

He pulled a lever to reveal a secret passageway, as well as pulling off his robe to reveal the ninja outfit underneath.

", but we do now. Thanks for making this a lot easier. Y'know, why can't Drakken be like this? Really saves time." - C

"I know, right?" - K

"Am I the only one who doesn't know what Ta-Kis is?" - R

"It's Tai-Shing Piqua! Monkey Kung Fu! Ugh!" - Monty

He said in frustration before leading them down the passageway to a room where he'd placed all four monkey statues so they were facing each other.

"I also used my family fortune to get these!" - Monty

He removed his gloves, revealing he'd somehow turned himself into a man-monkey hybrid.

"Now, watch as I become the monkey king!" - Monty

He jumped into the middle of the four statues, and all four released lasers from their eyes, which hit Monty and caused him to begin to float and glow with a bright golden aura. He laughed sinisterly as Caster sensed a large amount of Chi entering Monty's body.

'This isn't good...' - C

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