Secrets of StoneHenge - Part 1: The BrotherHood

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Aster looked pretty sleep deprived as he sat in Uncle's shop, and was drinking coffee. He'd spent most of last night dealing with his sleep portaling. Because apparently some unicorn in the Realm of Magic was calling to him, and he would've ended up staying there forever had it not been for the spare pudding cup he had with him.

When he realized what was happening, he returned home via his butterfly form, which he could now control on command. It was great!...except he didn't get to get a proper night's rest last night when he realized this because he'd spend most of the morning experimenting with his magic.

Tohru and Jackie were helping Uncle install a fax machine in the shop, which he insisted he didn't need.

"No need! Uncle gets all his facts from books, like normal person!" - Uncle

"No, Uncle. A fax machine transmits and received documents electronically." - JC

He tried to explain. Uncle didn't understand.

"Jade, please find something we can fax." - JC

"Okay! How about...this paper?" - J

She picked up a newspaper that was on the counter, and gasped a little when she read the headlines.

"Woah! StoneHenge disappeared!" - J

She showed the group.

"This sounds like a mission! C'mon, waddya say? Teleport us there, Aster!" - J

Aster shrugged.

"I'm sure the government can handle it." - A

"Yes. The proper authorities will take care of this." - JC

He said, feeling relieved that they wouldn't do anything too exciting today.

"Buuut I did have an archeology trip planned! Want to tag along?" - JC

" Aster going?" - J

"He's my main form of transportation, so yes." - JC

"Then okay! There's always cool stuff happening wherever he goes." - J

She explained. Aster sighed as he blasted his face with magic to restore his mental energy so he wasn't so grumpy.

"Okay! Let's go." - A

Once they were ready, he used the Eye of Aurora to teleport them directly to London. Eventually they reached an old castle where Jackie began to excavate old items.

"C'mon, you two aren't the slightest bit curious about what happened to Stone Henge? Everyone knows it has magical powers!" - J

"We don't know that, and it's not our business." - J

"Besides, Jade. People think lots of things about Stone Henge. Some people think it's for signaling aliens! Maybe it doesn't even do anything at all." - JC

He said while sweeping the floor in search of more things. When he turned the corner, Jackie yelped and seemingly disappeared.

"...I knew it! There's adventure here!" - J

"Not always a good thing, Jade..." - A

He sighed as they started to search for Jackie. Ten minutes later, they found him running in the halls.

"Run!" - JC

He shouted. Both Aster and Jade looked confused until they saw old white men in robes chasing Jackie, chanting and throwing bolts of lightning.

"Why can't we have a normal day?!" - A

He shouted as the trio began to run and dodge balls of lightning.

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