Little Mama, Big Tohru - Part 2: Grape Soda

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While his mom was using the bathroom, Tohru pulled Aster aside.

"I don't currently have a car, and the hotel my mom is supposed to stay at is a few blocks away..." - Tohru

"Okay..." - A

"I was thinking...maybe you could use some of your magic?" - Tohru

He asked politely.

"...alright." - A

He said as he opened a portal to Mewni and left. About twenty minutes later, a portal opened up outside of Uncle's shop. It was a full blown royal carriage from Mewni, being pulled by a pair of manticores. Tohru and Mama came outside and were initially stunned as a coachman opened the door for them.

"Oh, Tohru! You little sweetheart!" - Mama

She said, thinking the manticores were just horses wearing costumes or something and Tohru had paid for a carriage to escort them. She happily got inside. Tohru gave silent 'thank you's' to Aster as he got inside as well after giving the coachman directions to their hotel.
The following day, Mama returned to Uncle's shop via a taxi. It had been raining for the last few days, so she had her umbrella with her.

Aster was there because Uncle had asked him to deal with the vermin. So he was placing a couple of spells around the shop to drive them away. Jade was doing her homework in the corner.

"I'm here to see my boy!" - Mama

She said while poking Uncle with her umbrella.

"Tohru left!" - Uncle

He said while cleaning a statue of Achilles.

"Where?" - Mama

"Do not know!" - Uncle

"Lousy boss! Can't keep track of own employees! Should've seen Tohru when he worked for Mr. Valmont. Had his own room! Big! With extra bed for his mother!" - Mama

She said while jabbing Uncle with her umbrella each time she finishe a sentence.

"Valmont was a-!" - Uncle

Aster cast another silencing spell over him to prevent him from spilling the beans. It wasn't his secret to tell. He eventually removed the silencing spell once he thought Uncle would shut up.

"Hmph." - Uncle

Jade spoke to Uncle in pig latin.

"Don't elltay erhay aboutyay almontvay." - Jade

"Oh! Such a bright child. Speaks multiple languages! And you can't even speak English!" - Mama

She said to Uncle.

"Speak English better than you!" - Uncle

"Do not!" - Mama

"Do too!" - Uncle

"In your dreams, junk monger!" - Mama

Aster summoned the popcorn again as Jade sat next to him so they could enjoy the show. Mama and Uncle were about to start getting physical until Jackie came in, wearing a security guard uniform for the octopi mission. He sighed, not wanting to deal with this.

But regardless, he got them both to calm down, grabbed Aster, and left to the expo for the mission. By the time the expo was close to opening, the rain had finally cleared up and people were swarming the entrances.

Aster and Jackie were wearing the uniforms they'd been given and walking around, looking for any signs of trouble. Jackie seemed to enjoy the simplicity of the task.

'I killed an immortal being and have enough power to take down an entire building. And yet, I'm a security guard...' - A

He thought to himself. Eventually, Jade showed up on a scooter.

"Jade? How did you get in here?" - JC

"Security is lousy." - J

Their conversation got interrupted as the back doors suddenly opened, and an unknown enemy began to throw in knock out gas to take out the other security guards.

"Stay close to me." - A

He said as he put up a barrier to keep out the knock out gas. Once the enemies thought they'd knocked everyone out, a group of thugs came in with weapons.

And among them was none other than...

"Tohru?" - A

He said in confusion as he saw Tohru among the enemy group. He glared at Aster before grinning and turning to attack the thugs. Aster smiled as he used a quick spell to suck up all the knock out gas, allowing him and Jackie to join Tohru in battle.

With their combined power, it was only a matter of minutes before they had everyone knocked out or tied up. And with a few simple truth spells, they figured out who they were and what they wanted.

They were the Yokanawa Mob, and wanted the octopus. Which was apparently not a literal octopus, but a statue.

'That makes a lot more sense...' - A

"Can we get grape juice once the cops arrive?" - Tohru

"Why grape juice?" - A

"It's my favorite." - Tohru

"Oh. Then yeah, sure. I'll get ya all the grape juice you want." - A

He said, figuring Tohru deserved a reward for getting this big group of criminals in one place.
After a quick stop by a gas station for Tohru's grape soda, they returned to Uncle's shop to find Mama and Uncle having a full blown martial arts fight.

"Mother!" - Tohru

"Uncle!" - JC

The two said, feeling worried. Aster and Jade just looked at each other and smiled as they began to eat popcorn again. Mama was surprisingly quick for her age. And Uncle seemed to be pretty good at deceiving his opponent.

Though eventually, after some nagging from Jackie, Aster used a little bit of magic to split the two up. He then made Mama listen to what they did at the expo so she could see just how much effort Tohru put in just so she could have a fun trip.

"Tohru, I' proud of you! I'm glad to see you are with people that care about you. Jackie, Jade, Aster, and...the Billy goat!" - Mama

"I will show you a Billy goat!!" - Uncle

He tried to attack her, only for Aster to open a portal to Jackie's dojo in Section Thirteen. He ran right through and Aster managed to close the portal before he could come back.

"Anyways, seeing how we brought down an entire mob for it, I think it's time we enjoy the expo." - A

He said as he opened a portal back to the expo. Jackie was a little worried about Uncle, but figured he'd be fine. The group of five then happily enjoyed the expo, while Uncle spent five minutes getting lectured by Lo Pei for interrupting his meditation.

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