The Great North - Part 1: Modern Day Grinch

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Aster was with the Chans on HEROES Island, setting up Christmas decorations in Jackie's penthouse. Uncle was in a strangely cheery mood and Jackie and Jade were setting up the Christmas tree.

"Is Uncle okay? I don't think I've ever seen him smile so much in one day..." - J

"Uncle just likes Christmas. It's when sales are best." - JC

Uncle threw a candy cane at Jackie, which he ducked to dodge.

"Sales not important! Christmas spirit is." - Uncle

Aster wasn't sure if he meant that literally or not. For all he knew, christmas was somehow linked with Chi. Tohru came into the room with several mugs of hot cocoa and fresh cookies.

"I used my mother's recipe for these. I hope you enjoy them." - Tohru

He said as everyone grabbed a cub and a cookie. Aster looked a bite.

"Wow! These are really good." - A

He smiled while taking another bite. He reached for another one, but Tohru stopped him.

"Not yet, we have to leave some out for you-know-who!" - Tohru

He said while putting the cookies and an extra cup of cocoa on a table. Aster looked at Jade before sighing, agreeing to play along.

"Fiiine...Santa can have the rest." - A

Jade laughed.

"I already know Santa isn't real! I figured it out when Jackie tried to put money under my pillow after I lost a tooth." - J

"I told you the Tooth Fairy was sick! I was just filling in." - JC

"Guys, she's fourteen and a superhero trainee. I think she's old enough to know the truth." - A

"Nonsense! Santa Claus does exist! I have research to prove it!" - Uncle

Aster laughed this time.

"Sure, Uncle." - A

He said, finishing up his cookie. He got a text from Captain Black confirming he had time to visit. He opened up a portal to Section Thirteen, allowing him to come through.

"Hello, everyone. Glad to see everyone's doing well." - Black

He said, exchanging a few small greetings with everyone. Jackie and Aster went up to him and the three spoke in a hushed tone once Aster put a bubble over them to prevent Jade from eavesdropping.

"Did you find UltraMoose Two?" - JC

"I've used every bit of Section Thirteen's resources. It's sold out worldwide." - Black

"That was the only thing on Jade's Christmas list. We have to get it." - A

"Couldn't you make one from magic?" - JC

"I can only create what I've seen before. And even then, it's limited. I can't create technology. But if I got my hands on a copy, I might be able to duplicate it. Can't promise to won't explode though..." - A

The other two men sighed.

"She's going to be so disappointed..." - JC

Aster nodded. He then paused as he sensed a weird surge of magic in the room. Before he could say anything, some kind of wormhole opened up in the middle of the living room and a little elf man popped through.

Everyone in the room stared at the elf man, who shook off the snow on his head.

"Uh...hi." - A

He waved awkwardly.

"Name's Elven. Head of Security at the North Pole." - Elven

He showed some credentials.

"Right..." - A

He nodded, still processing this. He would've written this off as a prank, but that magic wormhole was real.

"Man, you really went all out on this prank, Uncle Aster. He almost looks real." - J

She said, circling Elven.

"As much as I'd like to take credit, I had nothing to do with this." - A

"Which means..." - JC

"That's a..." - Tohru

"Real elf?!" - J

After Jade finished asking a barrage of questions, Elven finally began to explain why he was here.

"I'll be frank. I need your help. Big Red has been abducted." - Elven

"Why would you come to us for help? The Tooth Fairy wasn't available?" - A

"No, she was busy tonight. We came because of you. We pulled your credentials from the Nice List. Pretty impressive. I also believe you know the man responsible." - Elven

He pulled out a hand carved wooden doll of Doalon Wong. Uncle gasped.

"Yeah, we know this guy." - A

He said while taking the doll, briefly wondering if he could bring it to life. Though seeing how well it worked on Lo Pei, he wasn't sure if he should.

"I don't understand, what would Doalon Wong want with Santa?" - Tohru

"Maybe he's upset he's on the naughty list?" - JC

"No, he wants to steal Christmas. He's a modern day Grinch!" - J

"He's magic. He could make any present he wanted." - A

"Not every could be that he seeks to steal the extraordinary Good Chi within Santa's body." - Uncle

"What's a Chi?" - Elven

"It's like life force. The stronger you are, the more you have." - A

"Right. Well, for the record, Big Red prefers to be called North. I just call him Big Red as a codename." - Elven

"Alright, do we have any leads?" - A

"Negative. Our men can't get a hit on him." - Elven

"We could send an alert to our agents to be on the lookout." - Black

"And tell them what? To bring in everyone who looks like Santa?" - J

"Jade's right. It would only cause panic and confusion. What if we try a locator spell?" - A

"That could work...but we'd need something belonging to North himself." - Uncle

"Everything you need is at the North Pole. Including his sleigh which won't ride at all tonight if we can't bring him home in time." - Elven

'Oh stars, I'm literally saving Christmas...' - A

He thought to himself internally, seeing how cliche this was. Elven pulled a snow globe out of his pocket before throwing it at a wall, causing another magic wormhole to open up.

When they went through, they found a huge workshop full of elves, yetis the size of Tohru, and various toys delivering materials. They had toy trains riding through the air on ice tracks and plushies carrying blocks of wood for carving.

There were entire rooms full of yetis and elves making, painting, and building toys. Everyone was amazed, though Tohru felt a little intimidated by the large yetis.

"Welcome to the North Pole, ladies and gentlemen." - Elven

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