The Third Talisman - Part 2: The Museum Heist

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Aster and Jackie, were at the New York Museum of Natural History, arguing with a manager in front of the Snake Talisman's display case.

"Please! You must let us have it! It's only a matter of time before the Dark Hand tries to steal it." - JC

"He's obviously not going to listen to us, Jackie. And I doubt he'll let me buy it?" - A

He said as the manager nodded, confirming it wasn't for sale. Aster sighed.

"Well, that's that then. Nothing we can do." - A

He shrugged, shocking Jackie. He expected Aster to put up more of a fight.

"Rest assured, gentlemen. Our museum's security has been raised to the highest level ever since we acquired the rare pink puma Diamond." - Manager

He said as he brought them over to a display case containing a large pink Diamond.

"If we can be trusted to guard such a valuable gem, I'm sure we can handle this 'Dark Hand'." - Manager

He said confidently.

"Yes, I'm sure..." - A

He said, knowing damn well that ShadowKhan could take both the talisman and the pink puma if they really tried.

"Im gonna use the bathroom." - A

He said as he walked off. When he returned, Jackie was nowhere to be seen.

'He probably got into another fight. Sigh, where did I go wrong with that one?' - A

He thought to himself jokingly. He looked around the museum while thinking of the talismans. The rooster had telekinesis, the ox had strength, and the snake...maybe something stealth or poison related?
Back at the hotel...

Jackie had finally come back to the hotel room to meet up with Aster and Jade. He explained that he'd followed a Dark Hand agent and discovered their plans to steal the talisman tonight. So he was going to steal it first.

"Normally I wouldn't condone this. But considering what's at risk, I'll allow it. If I can come." - A

"Me too!" - J

"Aster, yes. Jade, no." - JC

"But whyyy?" - J

"Because you'd probably trigger an alarm while tying your shoe or something." - A

He said as he used his wand to disguise Jackie and himself in dark clothes.

"Pleaaase! Tomorrow is thanksgiving! You can't do this before thanksgiving!" - J

"Jade, you can't come. That's final." - A

He said as he put on some gloves before he and Jackie finally left. Jade smirked.

"Didn't say I couldn't follow..." - Jade

Aster and Jackie were sneaking into the Museum of Natural History's rooftop. Jackie was working on getting them a way inside without triggering an alarm, but Aster got a weird feeling. He looked around and just barely noticed another thief on the roof.

"Looks like we aren't the only ones targeting the museum tonight." - A

He gestured to the other thief. Jackie looked surprised. They watched as the thief easily disabled all the alarms and slipped into the building silently.

"Nice of her to clear the way for us." - A

He said as he and Jackie followed after her, and quietly made their way to the display for the snake talisman. But on the way, they would have to go through a hallway full of lasers.

"Got any spells to disable them?" - JC

"I could try disabling the electricity in the building. But that'd probably alert the night guards and disable the emergency lights too." - A

Jackie sighed as he began to carefully move through the hallway with the utmost caution. It seemed the other their had already gotten through this hallway without a problem.

While Aster watched Jackie get through the lasers, he sighed.

"Took you longer than I expected." - A

He said as Jade came running up to him.

"Aww, you ruined it! I was gonna surprise you guys." - J

"You're predictable. It makes it hard for you to surprise me." - A

She huffed as Jackie reached the other side of the hallway and disabled the lasers, allowing the pair to follow him.

Jackie scolded Jade for following them but eventually relented and allowed her to stay, and even gave her her own gloves.

When they reached the display case for the snake talisman, Aster and Jackie both examined it.

"Yeah, I don't think my magic control is high enough to try and put a hole in this glass." - A

He said as Jackie nodded and eventually figured out how to disable the alarm in the display case, allowing them to remove the glass around the talisman.

Jade then gave them a small object about the same weight as the talisman, allowing them to swap the two items without setting off the weight sensors. But while they were doing that, the other thief had noticed them.

They came up behind Jackie and Aster and pushed their heads together to disorient them before doing a leg sweep to knock them down. Jade gasped in both shock and awe.

"Ow..." - A

He grumbled as he watched Jackie and the mystery thief get into a martial arts fight. The thief seemed to be even more agile than Jackie.

"Your twenty minutes early!" - JC

He said, referring to the original plan that the Dark Hand had.

"What? Im an independent. I don't know who your talking about." - ???

The mystery thief said as the fighting stopped.

"Oh...I'm Jackie." - JC

"Viper." - V

The thief said before removing her mask, revealing a beautiful tan skinned woman with long black hair.

"Why are you after the talisman?" - A

Aster asked suspiciously.

"Talisman? I'm not here for a talisman. I just nicked the pink puma." - V

"Wow! When I grow up, I wanna be just like her!" - Jade

"Don't idolize the criminal, Jade." - A

"If I'm a criminal, what are you three supposed to be?" - V

"We have our reasons." - A

"And I don't?" - V

She raised an eyebrow.

"Look, we don't have to fight. You take the Diamond, we take the talisman. Neither of us has to get arrested." - A

He said, trying to negotiate. One Diamond was worth pennies in comparison to the power of a talisman.

"What?! We should have her arrested!" - JC

He extended his arms, accidentally knocking over a vase and setting of the alarms.

"Way to go." - V/A/J

Viper began to run, and the trio weren't far behind her. They could see the reinforced doors slowly lowering to trap them inside.

Aster pulled out his wand and Viper pulled out a gun of sorts, both of them unleashed an explosive attack that allowed them to break out.

"Mind if I borrow that someday?" - A

He asked.

"I'll think about it." - V

She said as they heard the sirens blaring and rapidly approaching. The trio went a different direction from Viper. Aster checked the bag that they'd put the talisman in, only to instead see...the pink puma.

Viper now had a talisman...

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