The Second Talisman - Part 2: El Toro Feurte

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They were currently buying tickets just outside the venue for the wrestling match.

"Three tickets please." - A

He said as he paid. Jade was still nagging the shit out of Jackie.

"We're already here! You have to get in the ring! For my honor!" - J

"Since when have you cared about honor?" - JC

"Since I made that bet!" - J

She said while tugging on Jackie's shirt. Pako then approached the trio.

"Buenas noches, Jade." - Pako

"Pako! Hi!" - A

"I see you've brought some challengers for El Toro Feurte?" - Pako

"Oh, he might. I'm not. Martial arts aren't my specialty. But I do dabble." - A

He said as he finished paying for the tickets with a gold coin.

"Anyways...can you tell me what this is?" - JC

He pulled out the poster and pointed to the talisman on El Toro's mask

"Of course! It's his symbol! Strong like the Ox!" - P

Jade just sighed as Aster figured that the talisman was mostly a strength booster.

'Strong like the ox, plus El Toro's never lost a match. Makes sense.' - A

"Come, Jade! It's about to begin!" - Pako

He said while dragging her into the building by her hand.

"Good luck, Jackie. Try not to get yourself killed." - A

He said while creating some popcorn for himself and throwing a handful into his mouth. Jackie sighed.

'What have I gotten myself into...' - JC
(Jackie POV)

Jackie anxiously walked through the hallway as he approached a room with a blue star on it. He knocked on it hesitantly.

"El Toro?" - JC

A deep, masculine voice responded.

"Si?" - ETF

"I'm uhhh, housekeeping! I need to clean your mask before the match." - JC

He said, hoping it would work.

"El Toro Feurte never removes his mask!" - ETF

"But-" - JC

He got cut off as Tohru came up behind him and lifted him up by the leg.

"The talisman, Chan." - T

He ordered while extending his hand. Jackie then got an idea and proceeded to pants Tohru, causing him to drop Jackie as he hastily tried to pull them back up out of embarrassment for his baby blue duckie underwear.

Jackie dropped to the ground, rolled forward to get on his feet, and made a run for it. He noticed Finn and his men down the hallway and ran the other way.

He started trying to hide in whatever room he could find that was unlocked, and ended up in one of the wrestler's room. He put on their mask and caps to disguise himself as he eventually left the room, safely passing the Dark Hand guards.

He let out a sigh of relief before suddenly jolting as a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Senior! It is time! We have no time to waste!" - Announcer

He said as he began to drag Jackie to the wrestling ring despite his protests. Eventually, Jackie arrived and looked around, spotting Aster, Jade, and Pako in the crowd.

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of Evilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें