The Boy in Red

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He woke up and yawned very briefly before getting out of bed. His room was perfectly clean. Mostly because any messes were shoved into his 'secrets closet'.

He cast a quick spell on himself, making his outfit which fit a bit tight but was suitable for a prince. He then walked out of his room, Ivory following close behind as he went to the dining room.

"Hows your reading been going?" - A

"Good. Ive made much progress...but I've been meaning to ask...can I visit Earth someday? I'm curious about it. It's so much more advanced than Mewni..." - Ivory

"In some ways, yes. As for visiting yourself...soon. But you should be prepared. Earth isn't like other dimensions. They don't even know the Magical High Commission exists. So, when you go, you have to act the way they do. And don't bring up magic." - A

He instructed, to which she nodded. Her eyes were full of wonder and curiosity.

He sat and ate breakfast with his parents. The conversation mostly centered around Moon's complaints about other kingdoms, or River's latest hunt in the Forest of Certain Death. Aster didn't say much until breakfast was over.

"I'm gonna go hang out with Pony. I'll be back for dinner." - A

He said before leaving as the Moon nodded in acknowledgment before getting pulled away by her duties.

Ever since he got the dimensional scissors from Pony Head, he'd spent a pretty good amount of time exploring dimensions. Mostly the dimensions closest to Mewni. He didn't want to accidentally end up in some kind of hell dimension or someplace too dangerous.

A majority of the dimensions closest to Mewni, such as the Bounce Lounge, Earth, and Amethyst Arcade were all safe for the most part. But he was looking to accomplish one of Glossaryck's goals. To own a dimension. For that, he'd need a dimension with little to no inhabitants that he could fill with his own creations and structures.

However, finding something like that and being able to keep it for himself were two different, and incredibly hard, things. For now, he'd just continue his exploration of Earth.

He wandered for quite a while. He even sat by a dog park for a while. He admired how the people here seemed to live so happily. Perhaps he should look into getting a pet someday...

He ended up exploring a strip mall. It had a couple of nice food places and various other stores. But the only one that really interested him was a dojo.

From what he remembered, dojos were a common way for people to learn martial arts. And things like martial arts weren't exactly common on Mewni since most people relied on raw power or magic. Or both. Not even the Solarian Warriors used them.

So, if they wouldn't use them, he would. Couldn't hurt to have an advantage over the enemy, right?

He went inside and signed up for a year of classes, paying with a few gold coins. The teacher was a tan skin guy named Sensei Brantley. He seemed...eccentric. Maybe not the smartest cookie. But he was definitely skilled in Karate.

He first started with inspecting Aster's body and figuring out where he was at in terms of athletics.

"Alright! I'll set you up with a training partner to help you catch up with the rest of the class." - Brantley

He then whistled

"Diaz!" - Brantley

He said as a guy with dark brown hair and a red belt looked over and walked over to them.

"Yeah, Sensei?" - Marco

"Teach the newbie the basics. And be extra attentive, he's a VIP." - Brantley

"Yes, Sensei." - Marco

He gave a respectful bow before taking Aster to the back room so he could change into shirt and pants in his size, and then got them on a mat.

"Alright, copy my stance." - Marco

He instructed as he positioned his legs first, then his upper body and arms in front of his chest and face. Aster nodded and mimicked his stance, with Marco correcting him here and there.

Once they got the basic stance down, Marco began to teach him the most basic attacks. Aster was trained as a swordsman, and was now a beginner mage. He'd need some time to get used to the fighting style required for karate.

A majority of his day was spent training with Marco, the two having a pretty nice conversation while they worked.

"So, where are you from?" - Marco

"Uh, out of town..." - Aster

"You must be from a rich family, huh?" - Marco

"You could say that..." - Aster

"What made you want to learn karate?" - Marco

"I was bored. You know, you've been asking all the questions. I think it's about time it was my turn." - Aster

"Alright, what do you wanna know?" - Marco

"What got you into karate?" - Aster

"Well, my parents signed me up when I was a kid and I started to like it, so I never stopped." - Marco

"So you've lived here your whole life?" - Aster

Marco nodded.

"What's it like?" - Aster

"It's...fine, i guess? More boring than anything." - Marco

"Right..." - Aster

He said, feeling a blend of emotions. For one, he was curious how his warrior skills would hold up against Marco's martial arts. And second...he wondered what it was like to live a peaceful life on Earth...

He shook his head slightly. He belonged on Mewni. He had a duty to it's people. Earth would come second. Always. It had to. He could not falter. Not like his mother, when she failed to kill the septarian that killed his grandmother.
By the time he left the dojo, the sun was setting. He knew he should probably head back soon. He went into an alleyway near the dojo and pulled out his dimensional scissors.

But before he could open up a portal, one opened on its own. A wicked green one.

"What the f-?" - Aster

He got cut off as an arm emerged from the portal and punched him straight into a bunch of garbage cans.

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