One Small Step

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Getting Marco's parents to agree to go on the tour was...a hassle. For one, they couldn't exactly say it was in another dimension. So they lied and told them it had a medieval theme. Now they just had to worry about how fast to take them there...

While Marco focused on rushing them into getting dressed and packing some stuff, Aster focused on the time problem. He could use SkyWin's time loop spell to have infinite redos until he got it, but then he'd have to deal with Father Time...

He could use Crescenta's spell to remove negative emotions. Which would mean sending them to Mewni, and then admitting what happened when they came back, followed by using the spell on them so they wouldn't get mad. But Marco might not be okay with Aster tampering with their emotions. He himself wasn't sure if it was alright. Using it on himself and on someone else without consent or a good reason were different things.

And finally, what seemed like the most reasonable choice. Not using magic for this, and letting someone else, like Ivory, handle it. He settled on his choice and opened up a portal to her.

He instructed her on what to do, and promised if she succeeded, to buy her any one (reasonable) thing from Earth. Her job would be to blindfold the Diaz couple and take them through some dimensions for about thirty minutes before taking them to Mewni.

With that mostly settled, he and Marco got to work. Marco wrote a list of things for Aster to make for the party while he cooked. Aster tried his best to accurately make these things, but not everything came out like he wanted...

Like how the speakers began to talk to each other. He promptly threw them into the 'Secrets Closet' before trying again. It took a couple of tries, and an explanation from Marco, but he got it.

His memory of things on Earth was a bit fuzzy after all these years. Maybe he should look into a perfect recall spell...

That would have to wait as he decided to add a few features of his own. Such as a tower full of fun things, maybe a few slides, or a petting zoo full of weird creatures he came up with. Like a winged rabbit or a big cat.
He told Jackie and her friends that the party started at 8, but they didn't show up until 9.

'Must be an Earth thing. Being on time is a big deal in Mewni.' - A

He said while welcoming people inside. Most of the teenagers ignored him. Though there was definitely way more than he was expecting. Perhaps the news spread more than they expected...

Marco was supposed to be in charge of the music but one of the teens took over pretty quickly and began to play their own music. The living room turned into a dance floor, with a majority of the other teens exploring Aster's attractions.

Aster got bored of welcoming people and went to check on Marco, only to find him handing out food like some kind of waiter. He walked over and took the plate of food from him, putting it down on a countertop.

"This is your party. You should be having fun, not working." - A

"But what if they get hungry?" - M

"Then they can find food on their own. Now go talk to her. Isn't that the entire reason we did all of this?" - A

"Yeah, but...what if she doesn't like me?" - M

Aster sighed.

"If you always focus on what might, you'll never see what can be. Stop thinking. Act." - A

He pushed Marco right into Jackie. He nervously apologized before taking a deep breath and striking up a conversation with her.

Aster smiled. This was one small step towards helping him build his confidence. But atleast it was something, right?
(Marco POV)

Jackie was not what he'd imagined. He had a certain image of her in his head this whole time. One where she was perfect, where she was too good for him. But in reality, she was...different.

Different in a good way.

She had flaws. She had bad habits. She was human. Instead of making her seem worse, it made her feel normal. Like she was an actual person he could talk to now. Not some unattainable crush that he watched from a distance since grade school...

She was funny. She dyed her hair different colors way too often. She was smart, in her own way. She wasn't the most responsible person. She was creative. She was sometimes too trusting. She wasn't afraid to show who she really was.

Marco felt especially attracted to her confidence in her identity. She knew who she was, for the most part. Including her sexuality as a pansexual. Which he was...curious about. While they sat on a couch and watched people dance, he worked up the nerve to ask about it.

"How did you...Y'know..." - M

"That I'm gay? Why? You curious?" - JL

She teased a bit and smiled before answering.

"Well, I guess it's always been apart of me, even if I never really noticed, even as a kid. Things like gender weren't as important to me. I just liked whoever or whatever I liked. Soccer, makeup, skateboarding, ear rings. I just do me. I don't really care about labels. For me, it's more about the person underneath. Y'know?" - JL

Marco nodded, taking in her words. He was happy. For one, he had a fun experience. And second, he and Jackie were...friends now. Something he never saw happening in a million years.
(General POV)

When the end of the party rolled around, Aster began kicking people out. Though he was particularly nice to people he knew were friends with Jackie-Lynn. Just cause he didn't wanna hurt Marco's chance with her.

Once he got the last of them out, he turned to face the house. He sighed before waving his wand and chanting a cleaning spell. He then spent the next hour or so undoing everything he created for the party. Aside from the creatures. He let them live in a safe dimension.

Not long after, he brought back Rafael and Angela. They loved the tour of 'MewniLand.' Apparently they liked how it was so realistic and everyone was in character. They even got souvenirs, which were really just little trinkets used to celebrate Stump Day...

Well, atleast they had fun.

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