St Olga's - Part 2: Individuality

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Author's Note: if I get my first comment by the end of today, I will mass release the rest of the season and some of S2

"Do you see now, Marco? This is why we have to get her out! Or we're gonna end up just like her!" - A

"Relax. We just have to disable the crystal, right?" - M

He began to gather up a bunch of random stuff. Aster stared in confusion as he made a dummy of Pony to act as a decoy so they wouldn't notice her missing.

"Escaping is inappropriate. Guards! Guards! Gua-!" - P

She was cut off as Aster used a napkin to gag her. He then began to carry her out as Marco followed close behind. They ended up hiding in a room full of princesses. Each of them was set up with a partner and speaking in synch.

"Keep your pinky at ninety degrees." - Mermaid Princess

"More tea, please." - Dinosaur Princess

They just kept repeating it, over and over zombies.

"Yeah, I'm starting to see what you mean about this place being horrible..." - M

"Stay down!" - A

He pulled Marco down so they could hide under the tables as guards began to enter the room. Probably checking on the princesses.

"We need a distraction...I got it!" - M

He stood up and grabbed a tea cup.

"It's not criminal! To be an individual!" - M

He threw the cup at one of the guards.

"Come on!" - M

It didn't take long for the other princesses to start chanting with him and begin a small rebellion, giving them a chance to run out of the room. Aster could see Pony making muffled laughs.

"She's laughing! She's still in there!" - A

He smiled with hope.

"An uprising? In my institution?" - Heinous

She said as Gemini finished telling her about the situation.

"I want the castle on full lockdown. And I want every guard active and searching for the instigators who started this. We must quell this uprising in its uprising in its infancy!" - H

She then began to rub her cheeks, feeling her emotions begin to get riled up.

"Go! And someone get me a mirror." - H
They were still running through the halls. They tried to hide in a dark room. When Aster managed to conjure a tiny bit of light, they could see it was full of...sleeping guards? Except they had tubes attached to them...

"Oh, shit...they're-" - A

He got cut off as they all turned on and looked at them. He grabbed Marco's hand and began to run again, this time they were being chased by a big group of robot guards.

'Has Mewni always had these things? Why didn't I know about this?' - A

He found himself realizing that he maybe he didn't truly know his kingdom at all.

They eventually ended up in some kind of underground room. Or maybe ruins? Whatever it was, it was old.

"What is this place?" - M

He asked. Aster looked up and saw a mural on the ceiling. A mural of...demons? Dragons? Whatever they were, they had bat wings, spears, and dragon heads, but humanoid bodies. The ground was decorated with art of the sun and moon.

Aster was growing more and more confused about everything. But once they heard the sounds of footsteps approaching, they began to run again.

Aster managed to fit down a garbage chute, but Marco's dress was too big and puffy so he was captured.

"Marcoooooooo...!" - A

He shouted as he and Pony went falling down into the chute until they eventually landed in piles and piles of trash. He sighed as he put Pony and ungagged her

"Come on, Pony. I need your help. Where are they taking Marco?" - A

She stared silently before speaking.

"A Princess who misbehaves will be saved, in the solitary confinement chamber." - P

He smiled, seeing that she was trying to help. In her own way, at least...

On the way out, Aster was able to fully restore Pony by getting her to break stuff. The two then managed to get into the room where they were holding Marco, whereAster broke him free with some small, concentrated spells

He and Marco then jumped onto Pony's back and began to ride off into the hallway. Heinous looked furious, the cloves on her cheeks that were once hidden under her make up starting to glow.

"My lady!" - Géminis

He pointed it out. Heinous panicked and quickly sat in the brainwashing chair, trying to make the glow fade.
Pony was running down the hallway.

"Nice to finally meet you!" - M

"I know!" - P

They were currently running through the girl's dorm. When the princesses saw them, they began to chant again.

"It's not criminal! To be an individual!" - All

"Wait!" - M

Pony stopped running so Marco could speak.

"My fellow sisters! I'll show you the way! They want you to fit the mold! I say we break it!" - M

He then began to set all the princesses free, and lead them into battle against the robot army in the courtyard.

"Chaaarge!" - M

He said as he rode Pony into battle. Aster and the princesses all began to use their natural abilities or whatever little magic they could conjure to fight the robot guards. And they were actually winning!

"Levitato!" - A

He levitated a guard a few feet off the ground and manages to launch him right at tower three, causing it to explode. The invisible barrier around Saint O's began to crumble before their very eyes as their magic was no longer suppressed.

Aster was finally able to open a portal for them to escape.

"Think they'll be okay?" - A

"Yeah, they can handle themselves." - M

Marco went through the portal with a proud smile.

"Pony? You coming?" - A

"No, girl! Look at this place! The bounce lounge ain't got nothing on this!" - P

She said as the princesses began dancing on the broken bodies of the guards as well as firing off magic senselessly, turning it into a party.

"Yeah, can't say I'm surprised. Take care of yourself, P." - A

He gave Pony a hug before going into the portal. He'd come back soon. He wanted to look into the robots and see if he could make his own version.

But for now, he was satisfied.

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