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It had now been about a month since Aster and Marco had met. And Marco was doing pretty well at handling himself whenever they got into a tricky situation in another dimension or got attacked by monsters.

Currently he and Marco were hanging out at a cute diner with Jackie-Lynn. She and Marco were both drinking milkshakes while Aster enjoyed the glorious meal that was the burger.

'When I'm king, I'll have the chefs make this for me.' - A

He said as he went to take another bite but got interrupted by the sounds of screaming. He sighed as he looked out the window and saw a trio of monsters terrorizing people. A huge chicken, a two headed humanoid with horns, and a humanoid lobster.

"Woah, what's going on out there?" - JL

"It's nothing." - A

He didn't want to deal with it right now.

"Let's go, Aster." - M

He wasn't exactly thrilled to end this sort-of date so soon, but a hero's work is never done.

"But..." - A

He said, wanting to stay with the burger. Marco raised an eyebrow.

"Fiiine..." - A

He figured he could just take out his anger on the monsters. He put down his food and followed him outside. Aster used magic to help them make a heroic entrance.

The giant chicken aimed its ass at them and began to fire huge eggs at them.

"Levitato!" - A

He started using magic to grab the eggs and safely put them down so they wouldn't hurt or destroy anyone/anything. But honestly, he kinda wanted to make some food with it.

Yeah, it came from a monster. So chances are, he ends up accidentally hatching and possibly raising a baby chicken monster, or getting a nice full meal.

Marco jumped into the fray, punching the two headed monster's faces. The lobster monster was just kinda...watching.

Aster began to fight back against the chicken monster by throwing one of the eggs right back at it, causing it to explode into yolk. The chicken monster fell back and began to slip in the liquid.

Aster then took the chance to slide in the goo, using his scissors to open a portal as he dragged them across the ground. The chicken fell into the portal, which lead to Mewni's prison cells.

He then looked to Marco, who seemed to be handling himself pretty well. He opened up another portal in the air and moved out of the way, allowing Marco to kick it into the portal.

And then there was one.

They both looked to LobsterClaws, who looked around nervously. Aster raised his wand and he put his hands up.

"I surrender!" - LC

"...can he do that?" - M

He asked Aster.

"Uh, I...don't know." - A

"Should we send him to the prison anyway?" - M

"Hm...let's...take him with us. I can try to interrogate him." - A

"Is that safe?" - M

"Look at this guy. He can't do shit with both of us there. And if you really think he'll try something, then here." - A

He made a quick spell to trap LobsterClaw's claws so he couldn't open them. He definitely tried a few times but gave up.

"Could be a trap." - M

"Maybe. But the information could be worth it." - A

He then began leading LobsterClaws to an abandoned building around the edge of Echo Creek.

"We can keep him here." - A

Marco nodded while looking around. Aster then had LobsterClaws sit in a chair for the interrogation.

"Who's your leader?" - A

"Um, Ludo Avarius." - LB

"Hm, as I suspected." - A

"Who is that?" - M

"I have no idea who that is. But I'm sure there's a book on it or something." - A

Marco sighed.

"Let's just continue." - M

Aster nodded as he continued to interrogate him. Apparently Ludo was a kappa, a small but smart race of monsters. He was able to rule his army through fear and money. So they were more like mercenaries rather than loyal soldiers.

Aster briefly considered trying to hire them, but quickly wrote it off. They're monsters. They can't be trusted.

He then asked about their plans and LobsterClaw didn't really know anything. He was the newest recruit so they didn't tell him anything important. They mostly treated him as cannon fodder. They then left the room to talk.

"I think he's telling the truth." - M

Aster nodded.

"What do we do with him now?" - M

"We get rid of him, obviously." - A

"What? But he's not going to hurt anyone. He's just doing his job." - M

"Do you have any idea what they're capable of? There's a reason why mewmans and monsters have had so many wars. The second we let him go, he could turn against us." - A

"Or he could be a genuinely decent guy and just want to be able to live in peace." - M

"Look, I have a family to protect. Letting him go could put them at risk." - A

"I have a family too. Please. Give him a chance." - M

Aster stared at him with conflicting emotions. He'd been raised his entire life to know that monsters are all evil. They'd kidnapped or killed multiple of his ancestors, including his grandmother. But Marco...

He was lucky he cared about him.

"Fine. But if I'm right, then it it's on you. And he stays here." - A

Marco nodded. Atleast LobsterClaw was safe, for now. Aster spent the next couple of hours securing and rebuilding the building. He even made a barrier that prevented LobsterClaw from leaving. And only humans/mewmans could come in.
It had been a couple of days and Marco came to visit LobsterClaw. He had a decent set up. Marco had been buying or bringing him stuff. Today, he'd brought him a plant like he'd asked.

"Hey, I'm back." - M

"Did you get it?" - LB

He asked excitedly.

"Yup." - M

He put the plant down on a make-shift table. LobsterClaw smiled as he watched it.

"I'm gonna name it...Leafy." - LB

Marco smiled. He hung out with LobsterClaw for a while, listening to his stories. Apparently 'monsters' came in all shapes and sizes. He was from the Lobster Tribe near the WaterFolk Kingdom.

He ended up in Ludo's monster army after his family got pushed out of their territory and lost their homes. He missed his family, but he didn't know where they were now, or if they were still alive. But he was trying to find his way back to them.
Aster was listening to LobsterClaw's stories while hiding behind a wall. He wasn't entirely sure what to think anymore. But he was starting to consider the possibility that not all monsters were bad...

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