Storm the Castle - Part 2: The Choice

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"That's enough." - Toffee

He said as Aster looked confused.

"Now take a seat. You are our guest of honor." - T

"Why should I?" - A

Toffee pushed a button on a remote, causing the glass box to start closing in on Marco. Aster immediately panicked. He tried to charge the wand again.

"That won't work again. Those crystals are twice as strong now." - Toffee

Aster looked at Marco, who was starting to get crushed by the glass walls, then his wand.

What was more important?

He stood up on the table, right in front of Toffee, raising his wand. And then dropped it.

He literally put the wand right in front of Toffee, serving it to him on a silver platter.

"Take it. Just let him go." - A

He said with desperation. He didn't know what he'd do without Marco...

"I don't want your wand." - Toffee

He pushed it back to Aster.

"Destroy it." - Toffee

He ordered. Aster looked confused...

"I-I can't, I don't even know how. This thing is probably as old as magic itself..." - A

"You do know how. It's the first spell your mother taught you." - Toffee

He said as he watched Aster.

The whispering spell...

Moon had made him promise to never use it. And if he did need to, he would know when to use it. He glanced back at Marco, who was now fully squished between the glass walls, he was still fighting...

"I'm...sorry..." - A

He said as he kneeled in front of the wand. He was apologizing to his mother, for breaking his oath. For failing his kingdom. And worst of all, failing to protect those he loved...

He began to whisper, the wand slowly losing its color and turning into a grey husk of what it once was. A spirit of a unicorn flowed out of it and whispered something to Aster that brought him to tears.

"...there, it's done." - A

He said as he wiped his tears away. Toffee pushed the button again, causing the box to return to its usual state and even open up. Aster took the remote, grabbed Buff Frog and Ludo, and put them all, and himself, in the box with Marco.

"What are you doing?" - M

"This isn't over..." - A

He said as the wand began to release huge arcs of chaotic magic. Magic that grew more erratic and uncontrollable with every passing second until...


A massive explosion that destroyed all of Ludo's castle, killing any monsters unlucky enough to be left inside.

The box they was reduced back to shards. Aster took the crystals, because...he didn't really know.

"You...destroyed son of a bitch!! Do you have any idea how many of my plans you've ruined-?!" - Ludo

He shouted as Aster got tired of him and opened a portal into a void, throwing him in. Then something fell nearby, like a meteor. Aster and Marco ran over to it and managed to get there in time to see a new unicorn entering the wand, which dug itself into the ground.

Crystals then began to emerge all around them, with one large rainbow one growing right in front of Aster. It opened up, revealing his wand except in a newer, more mature form, and half of its crystal missing.

Aster took it, looking...confused. The wand should be destroyed...

Before he could properly take this all in, he heard the sound of horses. His father and a small army arrived on the backs of horses and unicorns.

"We saw the explosion! Is everything okay?" - R

"Uhhh..." - A
He was in the throne room, having a private meeting with both his parents. He'd finished explaining everything.

"You've abused your magic, broke your oath, and destroyed your wand. Is there anything else you want to confess to?" - Moon

"Uh...look, im sorry. I just...needed to protect my friend. And it's not like my wand is completely wrecked." - A

She sighed as she took the wand.

"I'll have it inspected." - Moon

"'re not going to lock me up in the prison for treason?" - A

He asked hopefully, to which she laughed.

"Of course not. I'm angry, yes. But I'm more happy that your safe." - Moon

She hugged him.

Moon called Glossaryck on the magic mirror.

"Glossaryck?" - Moon

"Yeeees?" - G

He was shaving his legs, which made her look disgusted for a second before regaining her composure. He noticed the wand

"What happened?" - G

He asked in a serious tone.

"Well, it's been...cleaved." - M

"Cleaved? That's a funny word. You know, you can cleave something apart, and you can cleave something together." - G

He said, being as cryptic as always.

"Anyways. I assume you have all the pieces of the wand?" - G

Moon and River looked at each other, both looking...worried...
Mewni, Forest of Certain Death...

In the ruins of what once was Castle Avarius, a green crystal glowed ominously. It was surrounded by monster bones, and seemed to be growing more corrupted as time passed...

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now