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After the discussion I had with Deon, he'd seemed more comfortable with himself. He wasn't eavesdropping on me when I went to my room and it seemed like he was trying to give me my space. I appreciated it because it had been awhile since he would leave me too myself.
Our Mother had been sleeping through everything, and Deon had informed me that she didn't know about his secret. No one did and they weren't going too, not until he felt secure enough within himself to tell them.

I dialed Amber's number as I sat on the edge of my bed, humming along to a song that played on my speaker. After the 5th beep her phone had went to voicemail.

I was starting to get concerned. Amber always answered my calls. I started to think she was sleeping until I realized that she wasn't even home.

About an hour ago she had posted some pictures of her and Derek on her Snapchat. They were in some type of room, but it looked dark. Amber looked so happy with him though, so I tried to ignore the fact that I didn't like him. I was confused however with the sudden appearances that he was making on her snap. What made me more confused about it was that he'd embarrassed her about how drunk she was that night, and she still was giving him the time of the day. I wouldn't have, but me and her were total opposites clearly. I just felt like after a boy showed you a negative side of him, that was the side you would have to deal with for as long as you're with him.

Jayon's negative side happened to be his erratic mood swings. He was mostly so sweet to me, but there were definitely times where I did find myself questioning his intentions with me. I didn't want to believe he was bipolar—nor did I want to think he had an underlying motive with me but my mind certainly was pushing me to those assumptions. No, he never disrespected me or called me out of my name, but when ever he raised his voice I thought about every possible "what if" scenario. It had only been 2 days and we were already having disagreements, but of course in almost every soon to be relationship there were some downfalls, which I was totally fine with. I wanted to take my time with him but I didn't want to waste my time with him.

My mind switches away from Jayon for a minute, going back to Amber. I begin to call her again, noticing that it went to voicemail after the third ring this time. Now I knew something wrong was going on. Someone else had to have her phone, because I knew it wasn't her declining me like this. I texted her but the messages would change back and forth from 'Delivered' to 'Read' continuously.

I quickly get off of my bed, sliding on my slippers again. I needed to find out what was going on with her and I felt like there was only one person that could be of use to helping me do so.

I braced myself to leave my house once again unknowingly. My Mother had been sleeping this time so the only way she could find out that I left after 11 tonight would be from Deon.

I knock on his door, watching it open about 10 seconds after I back away from it.  "What's wrong?" he asks me, turning down his tv.

"Deon I'm leaving again," I tell him.

"Why?" Deon's facial expressions change completely. He squints his eyes, walking outside of his room.

"Amber, she's in trouble. I can feel it. I don't know what she's gotten into this time but she isn't answering any of my calls. Awhile ago she had called me while I was out with Jayon, so I couldn't answer her. After that she posted on her Snapchat, then everything's just kinda been weird. I don't wanna believe she is ignoring me though. We haven't ignored each other in 4 years.." My mouth gets dry and I find myself swallowing more than usual. "She's my best friend, I can feel when something isn't right Deon. I have to go, and I don't want you to be worried about me. If you decide to tell Mom, then I guess I'll see you later." I find myself turning around to walk down the stairs until I feel Deon's hand grab my wrist.

"What are you-"

"Dj I'm going. I want to help," Deon cuts me off.

"I'm going to talk to Adrian first. I feel like he knows where she went," I say.

"I'm sure he does," Deon rolls his eyes.

"What's wrong? Don't you wanna see him?" I try to make a joke but realize it's too soon for me to be insensitive about Deon having a crush on him.

"Dj," he sighs irritably. "I don't wanna see him right now,"

"Well Deon that's where I'm going. That's her brother and if he has any clue or idea on where she might be I'm going to talk to him. He might be just as worried about her as I am," I pull away from Deon, heading downstairs.

"Why can't we go find Amber ourselves?" He follows me as we both end up by the front door.

"Because Deon we wouldn't know where to start, I know Adrian would. It's already late we don't need to be out in the streets together. I might need you to cover for me if Mom wakes up,"

He opens the door while trying to get in front of me until I put my arm out, blocking him from exiting. "You're staying here," I tell him. "What don't you understand about that?"

"Come on," he groans, stepping back into the house. "We both know Mom never wakes up in the middle of the night Dj."

"She might Deon, but that's besides the point. We both don't need to be out this late, it's bad enough I'm putting Adrian in harms way I'm not about to put you,"

"You're being dramatic," he says stepping back inside the house.

"Don't say anything to me about being dramatic," I warn him. "Now close the door and keep me covered. I'll be back soon."

Deon sighs once again and slowly closes the door, watching me leave our house with a hoodie over my head. The stars were still bright above while the pavement glistened under them. I started to tip toe out of our driveway, turning a left corner to get to Ambers house.

I looked at the sky, praying to God that everything would be okay with her. This was just another night where anything could have gone wrong.

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