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Amber's treatment had been completed soon after the nurse came, but we were told to exit the room for Amber's procedures.

We knew Amber was in a euphoric state before getting ready to walk back inside the room, because they told us that she had woken up earlier then they expected. Usually their patients slept a couple hours after finishing the gassing medicine. Amber though, only slept for 1 hour exact, and was now put under examination for any other concerning damages to her body.

"Isn't she done?" Adrian asks me, eagerly waiting to see his dizzy sister.

"Now Adrian you have to wait for the doctors to tell us that it's okay to go back in here. She's under some serious medicine right now, there's a small chance she won't even remember who we are," Carl tells him.

"Yes Adrian. Relax, your sister is fine," Betha says, blowing her nose once more.

"Damn it Betha, you've been blowing your nose since we got to the hospital. You need to relax quicker than Adrian does. When we go back in there you can't cry in front of her, she's already under enough stress and you're only making yourself stress more," Carl says, shaking his head.

"Carl this isn't the time!" Betha hollers, throwing her tissue away to the nearest bin.

He looks at her angrily and begins to walk away. He stands on the other end of the waiting room we all sat in, and Adrian flashes a look towards me.

"They do this a lot," Adrian mumbles.

"They shouldn't," I whisper.

"I know," he whispers back.

A doctor comes back out into the waiting room, greeting us with a tired smile. He looks at his clip board, squinting closely to the next name on it.

"Koles?" He half yells, looking around the small area.

Both of them make their ways to the door, while me and Adrian follow them.

"I'm sorry kids, but this is information just for the parents of Amber," he tells me and Adrian immediately.

"I'm her best friend, not a kid," I try to shove passed him, but he grabs my arm softly.

"Please," I look into his eyes sensitively and he lets me go, leading me in the direction Amber's parents had went.

Adrian had chosen to stay outside the room, only not trying to cause any trouble I assume. I was glad he was mature enough to obey orders now, because that use to be a horrible problem for him.

"We were able to identify Amber's physical injuries," he says making contact with each of us depressingly.

"Well?" I anticipate.

"Amber was raped. We haven't identified the DNA that was forced inside her yet, but we're trying to finish the process quickly to get you all justice. We were unable to identify a pre-natal pregnancy but we figured since she will be here awhile that we would keep a close eye on her,"

It takes me a while to register this information without breaking down. I had already wasted my tears, so all I could do was lean against the wall, shaking my head in depression. I knew she was raped, but the chances of her getting pregnant, never crossed my mind. Her life or none of ours would ever be the same after this.

The moment I seen Mrs.Kole bust out in tears, my heart sank completely. Mr.Kole's eyes watered, but he didn't say a word. Instead he grabbed his wife by the back of her head, pressing the front of hers against his chest. She cried so loud and pitiful into his shirt, I had to leave the small area. I made my way back to the waiting room, holding my chest in agony.

The doctor had given us all a small moment. He was in his glass office, watching us react differently in pity. All he could do was feel bad for us, he could never and probably would have never felt the types of pain we were feeling.

"Is that my mom crying?" Adrian's eyes were glistening in the light of the room, worryingly.

I nod.

"Why is she crying like that? What happened?" He asks me, rapidly with fear.

I had to tell him..

"Amber was-" I begin, but the door flies open.

"Amber would like to see you," a nurse tells me. "Her brother as well," she holds the door open.

We both jump up, swiftly making our way through the abnormally large door.

Adrian follows me until we hit Amber's door, stopping in his tracks.

"Come on?" I tell him putting my hand on the knob.

"Wait," he stops me. "I'm scared to see her, awake," he says, playing with his finger tips.

"Adrian," I start. "This is your sister your talking about, you see her almost everyday,"

"Yeah but seeing her like this, is already upsetting. I can't do anything to help her," he tells me.

"You think it's easy for me to see her like this? Because It's not. But she wants to see us now. So come on," I grab his hand, opening her door.

Amber's eyes make their way from her parents to us. She blinks twice, lifting the corners of her mouth happily.

I walk towards her bed, grabbing her weak hand while rubbing the top of it, reassuring her that everything was gonna be okay.

"Dj," she mutters.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her, shedding a tear at her struggle of trying to speak.

She shrugs.

"I'm so sorry Amber," I whimper, putting my head on her bed. She plays with the roots of my braids until I raise my head back up.

"Shhh," she says, covering her mouth with one finger.

Even when she was high on gas she was still the same, playful and careless.

"We're gonna give you guys a minute," Betha tells me and Adrian. We both nod in understanding and watch as they leave the room.

Adrian walks closer to her bed, sitting at the edge of her feet.

"Baby bro," she quietly says, letting out a dry cough.

"Hey Amber," he awkwardly says.

She looks at him once more, showing a bigger smile than she showed me just moments ago.

"I'm glad you're okay," he tells her.

She nods at him, looking back at me.

"Thank you," she mouthed, slowly closing her eyes.

"Thank us," I laugh, wiping a tear from the side of my face.

She points to Adrian, confusingly.

"He helped you?" She asks, her voice getting raspier by the minute.

"He knew where you were," I say, looking at him.

He blushes, reaching out a fist for Amber to fist bump.

"No, come here," she tells him.

He slides down the side of her bed and I watch her as she held her arms out for him to embrace.

"I love you," Adrian says, his voice getting shaky the longer they shared a heart warming hug.

I smile. I knew this messed up situation would have a beautiful ending.

"I love you too," she coughs, letting go of him.

"Dj," she grabs my hand as I stand up, her eyes slowly shutting.

"Yes?" I bend down to hear her last words, before we had to leave.


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