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*Dj's POV*

Even I knew that this was bound to happen one day. Me and Jayon had been into it to deep. Of course I still had feelings for him, how could feelings that strong leave in a matter of days? It wasn't possible. Not for me at least.

Jayon was careless, but he cared about me more than anything and I felt the same for him. I knew that I wanted him to take my virginity because I didn't want any one else to have it.

I was 16 though. I wasn't old enough to think that giving up my virginity was the right thing to do at the moment. Doubt started to hit me though; the doubt of regretting this after I realized it was done and gone. The feeling of uneasiness settled through me as I continued to kiss Jayon's soft lips. Our lips were locked on each other, until I felt the certain urge to pull back.

"What's wrong?" Jayon's breath was warm, and his hands were locked on my hips. My bottom lip began to quiver, and he turned towards his stereo to turn the music down.

"Talk to me," he said.

"Im scared," I told him quietly.

"Why? Dj you know I wouldn't hurt you, I wanna take this slow with you."

"I know, I'm not stopping it I just-"

"If you're not ready Dj it's fine, I understand. We're not even really together,"

"Jayon no," I say, grabbing his wrist. "No I want this. I want you,"



"I want you too," he tells me, caressing my forearm.

"I'm sorry about what's been happening between us lately. We're both just-"

"None of that matters to me bruh. I love you and I wanna be with you. Don't keep making this difficult for me," he tells me.

I nod. I was making this difficult for us, but I had a point to breaking us up, I knew I did. It just wasn't in my mind at this very moment.
A knock hits his door, sending fear down my entire body. I jump off of him frantically and end up on the ground, holding my clothes to my chest.

"Shit," Jayon says under his breath. As he gets up the door continues to be knocked on, forcing him to yell, "Who is it?"

"Your Mother," the voice answers. "Open this door Jayon. You should be downstairs with those kids."

I began hyperventilating. This was ANOTHER horrible way of meeting someone in Jayon's family. I was just making a bad impression for myself today.

"Calm down," he whispers to me. "Just put your shirt back on and sit on my bed."

I nod to him once again, rushing to put my shirt on. He opens the door where I see his Mother standing. She looks at me suspiciously as I fix my braids, looking back at Jayon with a raised brow.

"So that's why you're not downstairs. To busy pleasuring somebody's fuckin' daughter," she half yells.

He rolls his eyes. "Her name is Dj."

"I bet it is," she tells him. "Hi Dj, I'm his Mother."

She had such a soothing voice I couldn't tell if she was being genuine to me or just rude. Either way, she was gorgeous. I could definitely see where Jayon AND his sister got their looks from. The only thing different about her from her kids were her eyes. She had beautiful hazel eyes.

"Hello, I'm sorry to meet you like this. I was hoping to meet you in a more respectful way," I tell her. She tilts her head at me, looking at Jayon once again.

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